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Friday, July 24, 2015

MTV Ramps Up Race-Baiting With New Video Targeting White People


  1. They should rename Mtv to BET2. They are trying to stir the pot on the race war that's going to happen. How ridiculous can they be. This is what happens when libtards run the country.

  2. MTV has come a long way

  3. Microagressions against us?!

    We are stronger than they are, and ignore the ignorance for what it is, on a daily basis. But they've become emboldened to overtly escalate many behaviors to the point they're practically confrontational.

    This show is absolutely disgusting in its blatant racism and attempts to portray white people as boorish, awkward, obliviously privileged fools. Let's see a similar show entitled "Black People" feature such demeaning exposures of stereotypical black behaviors. Not that we can't see it every day on the evening news, or certain viral video sites catering to such an audience.

    The owners of MTV and the producers of this show should be bombarded with angry letters, and a boycott of their advertisers publicly announced. We can play that game too.

  4. Hey ... it's funny!! Stop being so aggrieved!

  5. I love this...very accurate!! It's called ignorance because I don't think white people even realize how offensive it is when they do

  6. This is an attempt the be funny, using wit, They missed big time, because the writers are lame.

  7. This never happens in the opposite direction, and to try to say it does is just a blatant lie.

    Teaching ignorance is all they are doing.


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