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Friday, July 24, 2015

EPA Administrator: Do more to clean the Chesapeake Bay

WASHINGTON — States have made efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, but they need to step up the work, local and federal leaders said Thursday.

A two-year milestone assessment shows Virginia and Maryland aren’t on track to meet some of their 2017 goals, like reducing stormwater runoff and animal waste in water.

“I was excited to see that we have areas where we’re doing very well,” says Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy. “The assessment made it clear that we’re doing great in some areas, but also made it clear that there are areas where we’re not doing as well.”



  1. Very true, but Pa. Is a huge contributed to the pollution also!

  2. You have to have a crisis so you can get money to "study" the problem.

  3. Until PA steps up we are just wasting our money.

  4. Ride across the bay on a Saturday or Sunday in the middle of the summer. Look at the number of boats. Looks as if you could literally walk across them. All flushing waste into the bay.Then experts blame all the Bay's problems on hard working chicken farmers.

    1. The government is suppose to protect us from foreign enemies not be your mommy .

  5. The EPA is a terrorist wing of the government.

  6. The EPA illegally legislates and operates unchecked by Congress.

  7. When the EPA says we need to do more prepare to pay more taxes further slowing our economy. The government does not spend your money more wisely than you.

  8. The bay could be cleaned up immensely if all democrats where removed from a radius of 200 miles around the bay

  9. Yet Jake Day, Jack Heath, and Mr. Spies all voted to allow chickens within the city limits. What about all the run off six chickens per home owner can have will create? Not to mention the disease and rodent populations increasing within the city. A democrat pushing the liberal agenda of "sustainable growth". What's next someone wants to own a cow for fresh milk?, a pig for fresh bacon?

    This council has completely lost their collective perceptive and their minds. The FEW people pushing for this promise to keep the chickens clean, well cared for, and reasonably quiet. Sure they do! That's right council they promise the moon and deliver chicken poop!

    If people want fresh food, go to any farmer and buy direct from the farmer. It's not like you have to go many miles to find a farm. The city is just that-it is a city and farm land.


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