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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

More Children Live in Poverty Today Than in 2008

There are nearly two million more children living in poverty in the U.S. today than during the 2008 recession, shocking new figures reveal.

Nearly a quarter of youngsters (22 per cent, or around 18.7million children) - were classed as living below the poverty line in 2013.

This has risen from 18 per cent in 2008 (16million youngsters), according to the Casey Foundation's 2015 Kids Count Data Book.

The report also highlighted disparities between white children and those from other racial groups.

It found that black, Hispanic and American Indian children are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than white children.



  1. Yes sir ree! Obammy has really brought this nation to new lows on all levels!

  2. How can that be!The stock market is way up and government workers still get bonuses and cost of living increases.

  3. Speaking of black children, 3 were shot in Baltimore last night.
    A 13 yr old boy, a 15 yr old boy and a 16 yr old girl.
    Not any hope going on but the change is drastic. The inner cities have always had their share of both poverty and crime, but under obama's watch they have become lawless 3 world war zones.

  4. maybe because theres more children than in 2008.

  5. 7:57 So what? All that does is help keep up with inflation, not result in a net increase in real income. They don't all get bonuses.

    It's the top executives that get bonuses no matter how poor the performance as well as pay increases far out of proportion to everyone else, that contributes to the growing disparity between have-littles and have-it-alls.

  6. It's the single parent families - enslaved to the dole! They may be defined as poor - but the government keeps them alive and prospering.

    The main problem here is they live well enough to breed - continuing the dependence on handouts!

  7. The handouts wouldn't be so bad if they didn't act so uncivilized. The same ones who are on the dole are the same ones who are killing each other off like crazy. Hmmmmm maybe that isn't such a bad thing afterall.

  8. Obama has just done such a wonderful job for them...but they just keep voting for him and his kind. They deserve what they've got!

  9. 2008 = the year of Obama and no one gets it!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Speaking of black children, 3 were shot in Baltimore last night.
    A 13 yr old boy, a 15 yr old boy and a 16 yr old girl.
    Not any hope going on but the change is drastic. The inner cities have always had their share of both poverty and crime, but under obama's watch they have become lawless 3 world war zones.

    July 23, 2015 at 8:01 AM

    It must have been the fault of the Confederate Battlefield or the Robert E. Lee park.


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