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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

College Newspaper Called ‘National Laughingstock’ Over ‘Silly’ Disclaimer About Gender Identity — but You Have to Read It to Believe It

The Daily Bruin — the student newspaper at the University of California, Los Angeles — ran a blog post Monday by Zoey Freedman titled, “Free tampons would slow flow of gender inequality,” which argues that the federal government should subsidize the cost of tampons and pads.

Whatever your perspective on that issue, it’s safe to say that the editor’s note that sits atop the post — which said, among other things, that “not all individuals who menstruate identify as women” — is attracting decidedly more attention:



  1. Menstruation, in and of itself, is not a health issue. Difficulties with menstruation and/or the female reproductive system in part or as a whole qualify as health care concerns. Healthy vaginas, ovaries, and uteri need not apply for government-provided drainage collection devices, even if you don't like the parts you're dealt.

  2. The death of all logical and scientific thought.

  3. Some people just don't get jokes, is all.

  4. I would be willing to be that if they hadn't published the disclaimer someone (a postmenopausal woman, a post hysterectomy woman, a transgender) would have gotten butt hurt and complained.

  5. But great for sealing bullet hole wounds.Seriously,tampons have no equal when one encounters shooting victims.


  6. UCLA = Unbelievably Crazy Lunatic Asylum!


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