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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Governor Larry Hogan: I am Disgusted and Outraged by the Decision


  1. I bet if he was a Democratic Governor we would have gotten the money.

  2. Obama administration is covering for the so-called mayor of Baltimore because she said on television to give the thugs room to riot. By not calling the riots an emergency, he is trying to save her and Mosby.

    Any normal, decent, intelligent person knows that when the National Guard, the MD State Police, and the local police have to get involved, there is mass rioting going on.

    We are behind you Governor. You see and you know what must be done to protect every citizen and you did the right thing.

    On a side note, being bald is beautiful, and it also makes you look fifteen years younger. GOD BLESS.

  3. Joe, sound is so low even on my external speaker I can't hear it.

  4. Welcome to black America. You are a White Republican and you have no chance unless you elect someone with balls like Trump as President.

  5. Give them room to destroy. She said it. Feel for the hard working people in the city. Sucks. She is making 170k a year so probably could careless

  6. What are Maryland's Democrat senators doing to back up Hogan?

  7. 6:16 - more importantly POSmayor! As a federal taxpayer, I think they got this one right - it may have been an emergency - but the baltimoron allowed it to happen - she should be held accountable for her actions.

    Unfortunately, fellow Marylanders will have to pay for her incompetence - maybe it will be a wake-up call to stop electing based on color/gender - and start electing based on leadership and support of the people!

  8. The mayor authorized the destruction of property and told police to stand down so they shouldn't receive a cent!

  9. Why should I pay any part of the rebuilding of Baltimore? They do not spend money they were given on the schools. Why would they spend this money on rebuilding instead of lining somebodies pocket? They destroyed Baltimore so let them rebuild it with their money not the Tax Payer.
    Let Al Sharpton, new Black Panthers, Louis Farrakan and the Nation of Islam, Bloods / Crypts / BGF with their drug money and all the radicals that destroyed the City rebuild it. That is a good community service opportunity.


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