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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ex-Navy SEAL alleges anti-gay bullying by CIA workers

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A former Navy SEAL has filed an internal complaint alleging the CIA bullied him for being gay during a work assignment in June in Afghanistan.

Brett Jones said he filed the complaint last week against the federal agency, saying he was forced to endure homophobic slurs and other inappropriate comments on June 11 in Afghanistan as a group of contractors and civil servants in the CIA’s Global Response Staff watched news of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage.

He also said he was abandoned and forced to walk in 120-degree temperatures without water while he worked there as a CIA contractor.

Jones, the author of “Pride: The Story of the First Openly Gay Navy SEAL,” said he feared for his safety and returned home early from Afghanistan. He told his story to ABC and the San Diego Union-Tribune.



  1. That was a good laugh thank you.

  2. Maybe he should hook uo with Snowden and leave this country as his lifestyle, no matter his military service, is a sin and an abomination. Please leave this country and perhaps you will find piece elsewhere. A lot of us don't wasnt you here and our hat's off to the CIA for standing up for American values and Biblical correctness!!

  3. What a lying Nancy.


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