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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Council Moves Ahead With Beach Ball Water Tower

OCEAN CITY – The Mayor and City Council officially approved a beach ball design for the new 1st Street Elevated Water Storage Tank.

A few weeks ago, the Mayor and City Council voted to alter the 1st Street Elevated Water Tank bid package that had already been sent out to add a cost estimate to paint the tower into a beach ball design.

The council’s vote was prompted by the interest of multiple parties, such as the Downtown Association and Jim Motsko of the White Marlin Open, to change the logo that is currently included in the bid package from the “standard logo” that reads “Welcome to Ocean City, Thank You for Visiting Ocean City.” The standard logo can be seen on the 64th Street and 136th Street water tanks.

The council wanted to investigate the current cost of a beach ball design. However, when the idea was first brought up by former Councilman Buck Mann about 20 years ago, the custom paint job alone would have cost the town at least $50,000 at that time.



  1. They really should've had a contest for the design. It would've been great PR for the town, having the contest in the schools and for the general public.
    Personally, I would've voted for a beautiful White Marlin. (OC IS the "White Marlin Capital of the World"!)
    A beach ball? Too easy. Too trite. Not only that, but there's a big sign at the top of each street that states "NO BALL PLAYING" on the beach. Kinda ironic...

  2. 5 million to paint a water tower?


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