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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cop Buys Illegal Drugs On Duty, Sent On Paid Discretionary Leave

A Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper, Mark D. Williams, has been arrested and charged after the Tennessee Bureau of Investigator’s Drug Investigation Division caught him buying hydrocodone, a schedule II controlled substance, from Elliot Goode, a suspected drug dealer, on June 19. According to the TBI, Williams was on duty and in his THP uniform during the transaction.

Williams and Goode were arrested and taken to Lauderdale County Jail. While Williams was given a $10,000 bond, Goode’s bond was set at $7,500.



  1. there is a saying that cops have the best dope. : ).map

  2. So simple possession with a addict Gets a higher bond then a drug dealer? I didn't realize the commissioner was the judge and jury. Kinda crazy to me.


  3. Good thing he's on paid leave. Wouldn't want him to resort to crime to support his habit!

  4. 9:06....a COP is buying drugs (it was the first time, office, I swear!!) in uniform while in possession of a handgun.
    For "we, the people", in many jurisdictions (like the one in Wicomico County), a drug deal with a handgun on the perp is worth 10-20 years in PRISON.
    Their isn't any "paid leave" for us. And we would never be able to EVER own a gun again. For the remainder of our lives.
    Equal justice under the law for EVERYONE.
    On a broader point, can anyone think of a time, way back when, when there were DAILY news reports of cops getting busted for using drugs, transporting drugs, selling drugs, protecting drug dealers, shooting unarmed kids, raping women in their patrol car, shooting each other, soliciting sex --at gunpoint- from suspects, falsifying evidence, beating people to death for SAYING something they didn't like, and so forth?? The list is endless (and it shouldn't be....).
    I saw a cop the other day with a full sleeve tattoo and neck ink, too.
    Without the uniform, he could have passed for someone in the Aryan Brotherhood. With a gun.
    The drug dog gets in HIS car and goes berserk....
    Keep cheering.


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