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Thursday, July 23, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Discovery of Earth-like planet with a sun like our own

NASA announces the discovery of an Earth-like planet orbiting in a 'habitable zone' around a star similar to the Sun.


  1. do they have section 8 housing and the lottery there

  2. How do they know its habitable? They don't know if the oxygen levels are correct. Or if there is microscopic organisms that eat flesh! But I guess they gotta keep jobs for them and the people that build rocket ships!

  3. Obama will probably want to send them arms and food stsmps.

  4. Our mission is to seek out new life and new civilizations and kill them!!!

  5. How many light years away, what is the orbital period, the day night ratio, does it have a large enough lunar body to keep it from wobbling. Is the liquid a saline or an acid. Does it have a tropical zone and arctic zone to provide a weather match. What is the axial tilt, to far and extreme seasons, not enough and no season. What about the star, is it stable, or more active than ours. how about the planetary magnetic field, does it have one? If not,it is a non-starter for life.

    So many questions that need answering before we even consider sending a manned mission to the stars. Use unmanned units to look using ion or the newer EM drivers to get their in a few lifetimes, then decide if it would be worth the effort of terraforming.

  6. send the liberals immediately

  7. 175 light years away, orbital period .83 earth day, no extreme wobble, salty seas with a PH of 6.72, slightly less extreme seasons than earth. Star is 1.4x sun size, orbit is 178% larger than earth with slightly more oval orbit. Magnetic field 2x stronger than earths. Unmanned units on order with EM drivers as you requested. Thanks for visiting Joe's blog. Your goto for all things scientific.

  8. I don't oppose the space program but who really cares about what's 1000s of light years away? We can't even deal with our own planet's problems!

  9. 3:15 your spot on

  10. 2:50 Literally all of your questions are answered if you would just go out and read an article...

  11. Keep believing this garbage. God created us in his own image..no aliens exsist its all a big deception. The pope will reveal the big deception in sept...

  12. I'd spring for Ben and Babs' tickets! Anyone want to chip in for Barack, Holder, Pelosi, Boner, and Omalley's tickets? The ship needs to hold more than a thousand; how big is the new Shuttle?

    Oh, heck! Let's just retrofit one of the old ones!

  13. Can we send Obama to check it out?


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