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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Delivers Remarks at White House Convening on School Discipline

Remarks as prepared for delivery

Thank you, Administrator [Bob] Listenbee, for that kind introduction and for your extraordinary leadership of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. I want to express my gratitude to President Obama and the White House staff for making this convening possible. I want to recognize Secretary [Arne] Duncan and the Department of Education for their steadfast partnership in advancing this vital work. And I want to thank each of you for the commitment you have made to keeping students in their classrooms and out of the criminal justice system and for the strides you are making in your schools and communities to promote fair, effective discipline practices. It is a pleasure to be here with you today and a privilege to join so many outstanding educators, dedicated state and local officials and passionate stakeholders in the work that we share.

I could not be more proud to participate in this important event – because it speaks to one of the main priorities of the Department of Justice: making sure that all of our nation’s young people have a real opportunity to grow and to thrive, no matter who they are, what they look like or where they’re from. That’s a commitment that we’ve made and delivered on throughout the last six years of the Obama Administration and that we continue to fulfill today. Through President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, we’re bringing together public and private organizations to address opportunity gaps that prevent too many of our young people from realizing their potential. Through our National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, we are helping young people escape the trap of youth and gang violence and giving them a chance to succeed. We are also working in cities across America, through the department’s Defending Childhood Initiative, to make sure our children’s futures are defined by their determination, unique skills and personal goals – and not limited by the circumstances of their birth. And through meetings like this one and a range of actions around the country, we are fighting to give all of our young people the safe and nurturing educational environments that they need discover their potential, recognize their worth and expand their horizons.



  1. I take it to mean, if you are black, cut them a break.
    If you are any other race, throw the book at them!

  2. She did not address the issue at all.

  3. All this is is an initiative to keep blacks from being punished and out of jail. This applies specifically to blacks only. This is going to mean that black will never get in trouble again.

    Just like the thousands of criminals that are being let out of jail by Obama they are blacks and blacks only.

    More black, more Democrat voters, more racial divide.

    This is also an attempt to get more blacks to pull a Nat Turner on Whites.

    Wake up America.

  4. More money for the blacks in the inner cities who don't go anyway. The blacks are in charge (for now) and take care of their own and the hell with the whites who actually pay the damn bill.

    1. If the blacks actually did take care of their own, there wouldn't be half the problems. They get all the jobs, all the "positions of power" then line their own pockets. Read about example after example, from Baltimore to Detroit of corruption far worse than whites ever did, at their worst.

      We still end up taking care of them, bailing out the city...and they are still ungrateful.

  5. She doesn't acknowledge that there are lots of them with no determination or motivation, whose "unique skills" are limited to rolling blunts and thievery, and have no goals other than to "git money and pimp ho's".

    Nor did she address that some individuals, black as well as white, have ZERO potential and are absolutely worthless.

  6. Folks, this is already happening. Remember the rapist at Parkside? He was pushed from school to school for serious offences instead of being kicked out. If he were white he would have been in alternative school. That poor girl should have never been put into that situation. Its just like the girl killed by an illegal in san Francisco, he should have never been alowed to be there. Its the cowards making the rules at the state and the cowards in our school system alowing this to happen. Its going ro get much worse. There doing everything they can to reduce minority discipline issues including ignoring them. I see it on a daily basis. I have given up the fight.


  7. The law predates Obama, but he, Holder, and now Lynch are pushing harder. Boiled down the concept is to avoid taking serious steps for short of rape and murder; a stern talking to is the preferred method. Main thing is to have the paperwork reflect that one race doesn't cause any more trouble and doesn't get suspended or expelled any more than its percent of the population.

    As everyone, everyone top to bottom, knows while it's an admirable goal, the current approach is a total fiction.

    It is a complete disservice to students serious about their studies who have to put up with unbelievable distractions. It undermines the effectiveness of instruction and causes a certain number of dedicated teachers to quit in frustration. And those with the unacceptable behaviors are going to meet real life at some point in time and won't be successful. When they finally hit ECI or Joppa they'll have lots of time on their hands to ponder their choices, but scant chances to reverse course.

    So the politicians and bureaucrats are creating a cruel hoax for these kids. It really is not complicated.


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