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Saturday, June 27, 2015



  1. Happier than a dung beetle in a horse stable!

  2. Is there an option #2?

  3. Nope. Quiting isn't enough for his crimes. I want to see him hang high from the Capitol building and rot till he is nothing but bones. Never taking his body down. A symbol that we will not allow Presidents or any other official to do what he has done!

  4. Not happy enough. I want to see you in jail.

  5. Absolutely, positively YES!!

  6. Quitting would be a step in the right direction but is not enough, because that would put Biden in charge. The United States needs to be cleansed of politicians that have promoted your damaging policies. I admit, not sure how to accomplish this but voters must learn from your mistakes and choose more wisely in the future. Fiscal responsibility and conservative morality would set this country back on track. It can be done because Ronald Raegan was able to right America after the devastating Carter administration. A time when the country was in economic shambles and had lost its credibility as a world power. Now we face these large issues as well as moral decay.

    When you are gone, Mr. President, American should demand a recount of the blunders you have supported that has put our country and its citizens in dire straits. You have divided this nation and you are a disgrace to mankind.

  7. 4:42
    For exactly what crimes are you calling for his hanging?

    1. I'd say first off the authorization to kill American citizens with out due process for their accused crimes. Illegal authorization for military action. Countless ass wipings of our Constitution. Allowing the influx of illegal immigrants across our borders. I'm tired. I don't wanna write a book.

  8. It would make uncle Sam and Lady Liberty very happy it would also allow all those that died supporting traditional American values to rest in peace

  9. Hang Him High,you treasonist Bastard !

  10. Quite honestly, I think he should be afraid to leave the WH and his 800 yard perimeter. Bc someone's gonna have a reticle on his head.

  11. It is all about the money people. The Debt spiral is in full swing and it is just a matter of time before the Ponzi scheme that is our financial system collapses. Obummer is a tool, buying time and grabbing what he can for his "people" before he retires to the golf courses of Hawaii.

  12. 7:47...when (not "if") this 18 TRILLION dollar debt bomb explodes, there won't be any "safe and serene" golf courses to play on and no place to hide.
    7:19 believes that the Constitution is merely a "suggestion" for behavior of the political class. If not, he wouldn't have asked such a blathering, ace-kissing, and delusional question about "what crimes...??
    Start with obama using the Social Security number of a dead man from Connecticut. A state in which he has NEVER lived, too!
    THAT is DAMN SURE a crime. Concrete. And undeniable.
    But hanging them? That's a VERY good idea.


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