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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Scott Walker Expanding Gun-ownership Rights

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is poised to sign two new bills expanding rights of individuals to carry guns into law – a stark contrast to the mantra and messages emanating from the White House in the days since the Charleston, South Carolina, church shootings of nine.

Walker’s signature on the separate measures, expected Wednesday, will remove the 48-hour waiting period for firearm purchasers, and give the legal right for off-duty and retired police officers to carry concealed weapons in the state’s public schools, the Washington Post reported.

Walker said months ago the waiting period on firearms’ purchases is unnecessary, given technology that allows for instant checks.

The National Rifle Association gives Walker an A-plus on gun rights.


1 comment:

  1. Gee. .what a novel idea. Hey socialist Maryland legislators. ..get your head out of your ass and embrace the bill of rights you freakin' morins.


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