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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Welcome To Salisbury Maryland

This is what you get when your Mayor and Council create a Rain Tax and citizens just can't afford it. 


  1. Yeah, I am betting that if the rain tax went away...The homeless problem would be resolved...lol

  2. Rain tax is ridiculous. But that is not why these losers are out there. They just don't want to hold a job. Besides begging and collecting from the goverment.

  3. tell'em walk up the street...Burt Construction, Perdue, Burger King, WaWa, Lowe's and Sams all displaying help wanted...has nothing to do with City or COUNTY Councils...its called too lazy or picky to work!

  4. Our Mayor and council didn't create it, they are just enforcing it.

  5. It's not just the rain tax, we are taxed and feed to death.

  6. 10:18, Hogan eliminated the mandate for the O'Malley rain tax. To keep Liberals happy, he allowed any municipality to go forward with the rain tax IF they are stupid enough to do so, Ireton and the Council in Salisbury chose to go forward with it.

    1. Is this the same Ireton who claimed that the double tax from county and city was an undo burdon on city residence?! So Jim guess its not the tax itself, but who is getting the check that concerns you.

  7. fema coming for you pan handlers bet u rather work at purdue then , google it ...gillatines

  8. Joe, I agree. but they still didn't create it. They are just using another tax that was created by owemalley. Beside, do you think this bunch is smart enough to create such a tax?

  9. At least its nice to see some fresh faces instead of the usual clown at the Home Depot Rt. 13 intersection.

  10. The girl in this picture is Angela Walker.. She has never held a job. Has no desire too. All she wants to do is drink, do drugs and let someone else pay for her to do so. I unfortuately know her from my past. She needs to be back in jail and not causing traffic problems while panhandling. I wouldn't give her one damn red cent.

  11. zion rd and in the middle of rt 13 how is this Safe.

  12. Some of those people have rooms in Delmar at the hotel behind the Police barracks .......Heck if I made 3,000 a month panhandling ....I would too


  13. Well all I know is after you posted about the bums (not politically correct-I know) haunting the Super Giant they since have hired an armed security guard to keep them away from the store. Saw him last Sunday morning and he said that he has been there for the last 8 weeks. Needless to say it there were no panhandlers to be seen. You need to check it out Joe.

  14. Thank you for the security guard at Giant. I now feel comfortable going back.

  15. Is that you Mike?

  16. food lion on snow hill road now has them

  17. Somebody, please tell me what the rain tax money will be used for.

  18. 3:15 PM you got it! It was never ever about helping or saving the people, it was all about you gets the money. Ireton, the complete fool puts into effect the Rain Tax on citizens, and the money keeps rolling in for the liberal bunch on the city council to piss away.


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