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Sunday, June 28, 2015


An 83-year-old monument to the Confederate soldiers who came to the defense of Charleston during the Civil War was defaced by “Black Lives Matter” protesters sometime late on Saturday evening.

The spray-painted graffiti was discovered early on Sunday morning on a monument titled “Confederate Defenders of Charleston” just as citizens gathered downtown to honor the victims murdered at the Emanuel AME Church by a gun-wielding 21-year-old last Wednesday.

As ABC 4 News in Charleston reported, “The words ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘This is the problem #racist’ is spray painted on the base. The vandals also called out Mayor Joe Riley and Governor Nikki Haley scrawling ‘Riley and Haley -Why defend this evil -This the root of our evil.'”



  1. Spray paint that message on the thousands of graves of black men killed by black men in our major cities EVERY DAY including Baltimore.

  2. There should be no confederate monuments, they were traiders . Do we build Nazi monuments?

    1. You are a confused person. Update that was in a different country

  3. Dont rule out government provocateurs. A race war is exactly what this administration wants.

  4. All lives matter - why do they think they need to spray paint this all over the place - just shows their ignorance in case they didn't know it.

  5. "There should be no confederate monuments, they were traiders . Do we build Nazi monuments?

    June 22, 2015 at 9:28 AM"

    It's just amazing how you people are so clueless. Here a history lesson for you. Contrary to what the horrible dumbed down US "education" system teaches, the main reason the south seceded was because they didn't want to pay the massively high tariffs the federal government implemented. The ONLY reason Lincoln freed the slaves was so they could fight for the Union.
    Also people need to stop fooling themselves. Slavery is alive and well. It's in the form of welfare and other entitlements. Those receiving them are slaves. They couldn't exist without the help of someone. That's slavery. The government limiting how much you can spend on food, where you have to live, etc. is not living. It's existing under the hand of a master.

  6. 10:31 are your reasons facts or not just your opinion?? how do you know the true reasoning for the civil war? where you there? how do you know the real reasoning for Lincoln's actions? did he leave you information that no one else has?? probably not!!

  7. Well said 10:31. Get off the Democratic plantation.

  8. 10:31 you are wrong it's we who are the slaves now. We work and toil and they sit on their asses and live at the expense provided by us!

  9. They had better tell the black communities...in Chicago and Baltimore, statement doesn't mean much when they keep killing each other. Got to start in own communities FIRST, then maybe everyone else will take them seriously!!!

  10. This action only serves to demonstrate the stereotype!

  11. Can of spray paint--$8
    Hoodie to hide face from camera--$25
    Spelling "mater" like an uneducated buffoon in your political statement--PRICELESS

  12. Maters matter! Especially in the Summer.

  13. Right. Slavery was abolished so freed slaves could fight for the Union and to put a burden on the plantation slave owners who were funding the Confederate movement.
    Anyone who thinks it was done out of the goodness of anyone's heart is grossly uninformed.
    Blacks were being used then by the politicians just as the democrat politicians are still using them today. A vote is all they are to the democrats and nothing more.
    The race baiters-all democrats- see them as a way to line their pockets. They come around start strife and turmoil and then yes leave and the slaves are still wallowing around in their cess pools of crime and poverty and never seem to learn.
    If they didn't learn after the Baltimore riots there is NO hope for them at all. The democrat mayor had them herded and corralled in their own neighborhoods and gave them free reign to destroy.
    The tourist, business and financial districts of Downtown were heavily protected and the sorry SOB that stepped out of line there found themselves immediately arrested and hauled off to jail. There was outrage that they were held on higher bails then the Balimore 6.
    But see how the democrat mayor treated them. Yes go ahead crap up you own nests but don't dare ever try it in the more exclusive areas. And they are so damn ignorant they will vote for her again. Just like their ignorance allowed them to vote for the liar Obama, who don't you dare ever call yourself a Christian if you voted for and support him.

  14. "There should be no confederate monuments, they were traiders ." Another illiterate with an opinion. How do you figure that they were 'traiders'??

  15. 4:41. You cannot be that stupid.

  16. My Confederate ancestors lives that fought for our CSA freedom mattered as well. Put those thugs in Jail and throw away the key.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There should be no confederate monuments, they were traiders . Do we build Nazi monuments?

    June 22, 2015 at 9:28 AM

    You are an ignorant idiot!!

  18. "4:41. You cannot be that stupid." Enlighten me, buttercup. Explain to me how exercising their right to secession made them traitors.


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