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Sunday, June 07, 2015

The Breakfast Of Champions?


  1. Good enough for a man, but made for a woman!

  2. He looks like Jessica Lange. Oops I mean she looks like JL.

  3. Wheaties? Did you mean Whaties?

  4. Dear Bruce or Cate, or whoever you are this week. Go live your life as you please, but please stop whoring yourself to the media.

    I don't care what you do, just show a little respect and do in private.

    Thank you.

  5. 1:40 but he wants to be a Kardashian! Now they will be comparing Bruce/Cate's (whatever) ass with Kim's all for our vital need for that information.

  6. Not one beautiful thing about this picture.

  7. Should be on a Fruit Loops box.

  8. More Nuts than ever the way I see it!

  9. This is proof that living with the Kardashians will drive anyone crazy!

  10. If you squint real hard you can see Mellisa Gilbert on a wheaties box!

    This is clearly the result of the liberal hazing he received while being emasculated by the Kardashian clan.

  11. Freakin disgusting. This is one sick person

  12. All Sheim have done is contribute to the Kardashian sickly acquired fame. Another thing, it never had a period. It will never bare children's. It will never become menopausal. And, it thinks its more a women myself. It is disgusting and a punk azz.

  13. Clown is 65 years old

  14. I agree with 1:40 enough already. I am sick of his whole mess, it should have been kept personal. It has made me hate the whole bunch of them every fart they air on tv. Maybe this will get them no attention would be the best, and he is trying to get a show about himself, I have pulled the plug on all of them media whores!

  15. I am afraid the world is going to HELL!

  16. the next nutjob will have to one up this freak, how about, oh i don't know, maybe dog reassignment surgery? I know maybe a mermaid?

  17. Actually he/she still has his nuts! The Gender Reasignment surgery has NOT been completed yet! So how can you say you are a woman Bruce?

  18. The man who won the silver medal in the 1976 Olympics to Bruce Jenner (gold medal) must be thrilled that he lost to a she/man.


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