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Sunday, June 07, 2015

‘I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat’ in the Oval Office

President Obama once confided to a top adviser that he believes he is “the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.”

In an interview with an Israeli TV station, former Obama adviser David Axelrod recalled the president venting in a moment of contemplation about criticisms that he doesn’t support Israel strongly enough.

“You know, I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office,” the president told Mr. Axelrod. “For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts.”

The TV report came out in advance of an exclusive interview that Mr. Obama conducted with Channel 2’s Ilana Dayan, which will be broadcast later Tuesday.



  1. I seriously believe this man has become unhinged.

  2. There is no such thing as a "sorta Jew". You're either a Jew or you're not.
    There is also no such thing as a "sorta President", although we may have to adjust that definition to suit the current situation.

  3. Time for a serious mental health evaluation.

  4. Another crock of crap from his pie-hole! He should have said 'closest thing to a Muslim'!

    Any of what they would consider 'infidels' are closer to Jews than he is...most non-Jews will tolerate and accept better than him!

  5. 1:17
    Barry is a crypto-Jew. He hides his "Jewishness" from the public. The media has even helped him convince the American public that he does not support popular Jewish issues like the extermination of Palestinians.

    His first handler was Rahm "the terrible" Immanuel (now the Mayor of Chicago). Barry is a very loyal Zionist and will always support Israel when the chips are down.

    Every US President must be Zionist. It is a requirement of the job. No person will ever be allowed to serve as POTUS unless he/she is a devout follower of Zionist political positions.

  6. He can"t pack a Jews lunch on his best day!!!

  7. Totally delusional as he is the only lying cowardly muslim to ever sit in the Oval Office,

  8. Actually this idiot is the closest thing we have had to a anti American racist biggot we have ever had in the oval office.

  9. Concerned RetireeJune 3, 2015 at 2:58 PM

    I thought a Muslim was different from a Jew or is this where all inclusive kicks in>

  10. He is and always will be of Satan . His actions have proved that he worships the devil. Some believe he is Satan!

  11. satan huh? got any proof to back that one up?

  12. He is destroying our nation, our economy, our very way of life, enabling our enemies, celebrating trash while real heroes serve us daily, betraying our friends in the world.
    Yes he is Satan.

  13. He's just a jerk variety of whatever he claims.

  14. Law Less one aka antichrist

  15. Anyone can dress up in a hat and pretend to be something he's not.

    That's all I see here. A photo op.

  16. You are the closets thing to a failure. Sit down .... Shut up.


  17. He's closer to winning the 4 PGA major tournaments while acing every hole than he is to having even a clue about Judaism or Jewishness.

    In his mind he's replaced the Sun as the center of light.

    Only 598 days until we get a new tenant in DC.

  18. Jews don't believe that Jesus was the son of God,which to me is very strange because he was born in Israel and Jews are supposedly God's chosen people.One either IS a Christian or IS NOT.No gray area allowed,so maybe Obama is correct.

  19. this person is DELUSIONAL!!!!!

  20. Why make comments like? Why does even think like that? Why does he care? The word WHY is a perfect work to describe him.

  21. Just demonstrates that you can put a tux on a turd but you still have a POS!

  22. SERIOUSLY, where does the guy come up with this crap?!

  23. He isn't 'sorta Muslim'. He IS muslim


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