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Friday, June 19, 2015

Texas Creating Nation’s First State-Level Gold Depository

(CNSNews) – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill last Friday that creates the nation’s first state-level gold depository.

The Texas version of Fort Knox will be used to store $1 billion in gold bullion the state plans to “repatriate” from the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

“Today I signed HB 483 to provide a secure facility for the State of Texas, state agencies and Texas citizens to store gold bullion and other precious metals,” Abbott said in his signing statement.

“With the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state."

Abbott said the gold depository “will serve as the custodian, guardian and administrator of bullion that may be transferred to or otherwise acquired by the State of Texas.” The Texas Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts will administer the depository and submit an annual report to the governor and the Texas legislature.



  1. This is NOT going to turn out well. Obama will not allow anyone else to have ANY control over gold.

  2. This is probably why, jade helm is being done and why they moved the training up and why it is now in all states...

    They plan to attack texas for this depository stuff, I bet you... maybe that is why they are considered hostile...


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