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Friday, June 19, 2015


President Barack Obama reacted to Wednesday’s horrific massacre at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina by calling for gun control and criticizing the United States for the frequency of mass shooting events. “We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun,” Obama said, adding: “At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”

Obama is wrong on both counts. Innocent people were killed because a murderer–likely motivated by racial hatred–had a gun–but guns in the right hands have stopped, or interrupted similar attacks before. In South Africa, for example–whose racist past seems to have provided gruesome inspiration for the Charleston killer–a parishoner stopped a mass shooting by a black nationalist group against a multi-racial congregation by firing his .38 revolver at the assailants, who ran away.



  1. Any chance Obama gets to slam America, he does it.

  2. Yes! It is totally the gun's fault. I had to put in 20 foot ibeams, 15 feet in the ground, 5 out, set in concrete, to keep my guns from murdering innocent lives.

    It is certainly NOT the fault of the boys family... all of whom recognized behavior they were concerned about, yet did NOTHING. Or his friends, who knew of his growing rage and anger towards the black community. His teachers and counselors should not be put at fault, for not recognizing his extreme anger and behavior. His social media friends, his uncle, everyone around him is on TV talking about how isolated he was, how he was using extreme language when talking about blacks taking over the world, etc. And NO ONE said a word, until AFTER he does this?

    This is NOT the fault of guns, or our current laws. This IS the fault of a failing society of family structure, and a failure of the public sectors complacency, and inefficiency.

  3. Blame big pharmaceutical. The one thing they All had in common.

  4. If it had been a black who'd murdered nine whites in a church, it would have been yesterday's news by now. After the talking heads had wrung all the "he was a victim of white privilege and racism and he couldn't bear it anymore" demagoguery out of it, of course.

  5. Slam your own people and call for them to be controlled and watch how fast all crime goes down! And I'm not talking your Muslim brothers and sisters!

  6. I would like to see how many existing gun laws, state and federal, this person broke.

  7. 11:29 We need NEW laws to add to the pile of laws we don't enforce. This way, we can add in 230 pages of pet projects from our lobbyist.

  8. And yet there were 48 black on black murders in May in Baltimore alone and somehow that wasn't important? People, please take note and remember sometimes it's not what you say but what you DON'T say.

    Mr. Obama, please leave our country. You are not a good example of American patriotism. Go away, Puhleese just go away.

  9. All churchgoers need to carry, as well as everyone else, either open or concealed.

    When crazy drug induced wacko enters the church, he will see what he is up against, and make a wiser decision.

  10. 6:52 Because that's exactly what Jesus did at the Last Supper. He was packing heat and ready to kill any of Pontius Pilate's soldiers. I think I read that in the Bible, didn't I?


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