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Monday, June 01, 2015

O'Malley dismisses polls, pointing to primary process

Former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-Md.), who announced his 2016 presidential campaign on Saturday, said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he’s running for the White House because the U.S. is “facing some very deep challenges.”

“I believe that we're not going to overcome our problems without new leadership,” he said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” “So what I offer in this race, George, is 15 years of executive experience accomplishing difficult things and bringin' people together to get them done. And the most difficult challenge we face right now is restoring the truth of the American dream that we share, making wages go up, and making our country work again and our economy work for all of our people.”

O’Malley dismissed his poor showing in polls, saying the primary processes and caucuses “have a certain greatness to them.”

“And it is this-- that people there have seen 1 percent candidates before-- get into the van, go from county to county to county and make their case about their better choices that they would offer the nation, and suddenly become very well-known overnight when people make up their mind.”



  1. "“I believe that we're not going to overcome our problems without new leadership,” he said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”"

    From a State that has had single party leadership for so long like Maryland, how is this a NEW message? After all, he has been part of it.

  2. You were a terrible governor, all you know is TAX and SPEND , we don't need any more of you. Go crawl back in your hole!!

  3. otaxie go get a job and shut the hell up. You destroyed the state of Maryland. You ran businesses out of the state because of your stupid taxes and fees. Business leaders moved either to another state or out of the country. You failed the taxpaying citizens of Maryland, you failed in your job to do no harm, you lied, and you stole hard earned money. Due to your irresponsible policies, infrastructure money you stole for other things and roads and bridges are crumbling. You are a liar, a thief, and a fraud.

  4. The man lives in a another world than I.

  5. RAIN TAX 'nuff said.

  6. Is it finally time to declare war on these Socialist CLOWNS before they completely destroy what's left of America with their lies, deceit and immorality?

  7. you ruined the american dream and destroyed Maryland. You will not get far in this race!!!

  8. How can our former Governor run for President and still have time for the job he was given at Johns Hopkins at a cool 1/4 million a year as an 'adviser'after the election?

    Anybody know how many hours he has worked so far?

  9. "Go home O'Malley".... Leave us alone!"
    "You've already done enough damage!"


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