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Monday, June 01, 2015

Civil Rights Leader: Send Giuliani to Clean Up Baltimore

A top civil rights leader is asking New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to head to Baltimore and help clean up the troubled Maryland city's horrific crime problem.

"I want you to give Baltimore a plan," Michael Meyers, president of the New York Civil Rights Coalition, said Thursday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"Get the data, where the crime patterns are, what the police are doing or not doing … and shake the department up," Meyers said.

Giuliani has been credited with cleaning up New York City by using increased law enforcement to largely rid it of out-of-control crime, drugs, porn, and vice.

"He told the police department, no excuses. He told his commanders, no excuses — I'm going to hold you responsible and accountable for putting down crime," Meyers said.



  1. Kinda hard to do in a city where the mayor announces that she has left room for the protestors to "destroy." Stupid Cow. Someone should put her down.

  2. Concerned retireeJune 1, 2015 at 6:24 PM

    Be nice but will never happen with Baltimore's leadership. They will not relinquish power to him or give him the authority to do what has to be done. He will not be submissive to those idiots.

  3. no help needed, they will soon kill themselves off, just stand back white folk so you dont get in their line of fire

  4. What about our "MAN Mike

  5. The uber progressive current Mayor of NYC is undoing all Giuliani did that reduced the crime there. In the 4 months since he took over crime has increased 22% because he the police were too tough on crime. Progressive idiots just don't have a clue.


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