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Sunday, June 28, 2015

JUST IN: Supreme Court gives Obama second big health care win in ruling upholding nationwide subsidies

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court has upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, in a ruling that preserves health insurance for millions of Americans.

The justices said in a 6-3 ruling Thursday that the subsidies that 8.7 million people currently receive to make insurance affordable do not depend on where they live, under the 2010 health care law.

The outcome is the second major victory for Obama in politically charged Supreme Court tests of his most significant domestic achievement.



  1. and you though voting Republican would change the court? And you though voting Republican would change anything, ever? Get it in your heards- both parties work for the same team. Always have. Always will. When the next election cycle comes up- DO NOT VOTE. Seriously. Why waste the time?

  2. I was hoping this outcome would be different. Obamacare will break the back of this country. It has destoyed healthcare for everyone either by cost or quality of care. The worst law to ever come out of Washington. Obama's legacy will be our national disgrace in just a few years. Obama is certainly the worst president of my lifetime. Thanks a hell of alot to all who voted for him. I hope you're happy.

  3. Thank god. Thankful we have a sensible SCOTUS.

  4. Isn't the Supreme Court supposed to rule in favor of the constitution? The whole Obamacare debacle is one unconstitutional royal edict after another. The Supreme Court is obviously becoming an enemy of the constitution and the American people like the executive branch. The congress has become irrelevant, ignoring the will of the people in favor of New World Order mandates. We are screwed once again. What is King Obama going to next with his willing accomplices? God help this country.

  5. You are welcome. Yes I am.

  6. Too many Rino's in office!

  7. Hey 10:45, your man Roberts wrote the ruling, again.

  8. Err uh, 10:45, what cave do you live in? Obamacare has done none of what you say. On the contrary, healthcare is the same or better and 17 million more Americans and counting have affordable healthcare. Obamacare is here to stay thank god. Perhaps you are the malcontent that should leave the country.

    1. What part of Obama care is good how much do you pay and how much do you earn a year???

  9. Sadly, I agree with 10:23 AM. It is sad to see how far this country has fallen, and how fast, in just the last seven years. I fear that there is no turning this ship around. How can it when half of the population is on the take from the federal govt.? Like the old saying goes "you never bite the hand that feeds you." This just another sad day in a never ending list of sad days for this country. Oh and get ready for President Hillary-it will happen.

  10. Thank you Obama,Thank you Supreme Court for my subsidy,i can,t afford insurance without it.

  11. 10:23 What are you trying to say? It makes no sense.

  12. It is a shame that the intent of the law means more than the law as it is written.

  13. This actually saved the Republicans butts since they have no idea what to replace it with.

  14. This was enacted by Congress, and SCOTUS is determined that Congress has to change, or fix it. Its not SCOTUS's baby. The only thing stopping a congressional fix, is Obama's veto power. All the more reason to vote for the Republican candidate for president, no matter what that ends up being. Then a fix, or repeal, will not only be possible, but will actually happen. This mess was passed by a lame duck, Democrat controlled congress, in the middle of the night, and signed into law by a Democrat president. To change it, the congress AND presidency must both be controlled by the Republicans. Vote straight Republican in the next election and the result will be either a veto-proof congress, or a president who will not veto the fix to this horrible, ill conceived, socialist legislation.

  15. I am still waiting to serve on a death panel.

  16. 1:49

    And I guess you are still waiting for Obama's promise that health care costs would GO DOWN under the ACA.

    Just wait until you are on Medicare. Then you will see how the government allocates limited resources. Your snide "death panel" reference won't seem so funny to you then.

  17. ,1:49 ,that was funny,way over alot of heads here though.haven,t got my summons yet either.

  18. 2:29 If it is not cover by medicare you always free to pay for it yourself. Or you just looking for free stuff?

  19. The shame of it is I'm paying for people that get better health care than I get. You wonder why people get so pissed off!! I have lymes and the government won't pay a red cent and the insurance company's don't have to cover it. I thought we were promised real health care reform. Just another liberal lie!!

  20. Blue Cross is asking for a 32% rate increase for Maryland customers for next year. Are you Obama lovers happy now?

  21. think i'll start a business, put everything i own in a trust, and pay myself a measly salary and collect all the government cheese i can get.

    if everybody did this, the system would break.

  22. ACA hasn't brought the apocalypse upon us yet. And it won't. I'm 24 and my health insurance through my employer is dirt cheap. You people just don't get it. God would be ashamed. The irony.

    1. For most single people it is but the Majority isn't.

  23. FYI Medicare hos NOTHING to do with ACA. You are thinking of Medicaid.


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