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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Food Lion and Giant’s European owners plan to merge

The Belgian and Dutch companies that operate Food Lion and Giant stores in the United States plan to merge. The merger had been rumored for months.

The $29 billion stock merger of Ahold (Giant) and Delhaize (Food Lion) will give the combined company more than 6,500 stores with 375,000 associates as well as 50 million customers.

CEOs of the two companies cited similar corporate cultures and cost savings as strong arguments for the deal.

Ahold’s stores, which include Giant, Martin’s and Stop and Shop are located on the East Coast, while the smaller Food Lion markets are clustered in the Mid-Atlantic and South. The two companies get about half of their sales from US holdings.



  1. Mmmmmm, Giant Lion

  2. Less competition means higher prices.

  3. Too scary, guess I'll go to Piggly Wiggly. Oops wrong state, guess I'll go to...... Can't think of another local grocery store besides those two (excluding Wally World of course).

  4. I doubt Food Lion will be moving up to Giant standards more like Giant will be moving down in quality. This is terrible.

  5. Don't americans own anything other than walmart? Chinese will probably buy that up too.

    1. What does it matter. Once you walk through the door of Walmart everything you see is from China anyway.

  6. 3:28 Farmer's markets, asbury market on Tuesday, local farms who operate CSA's, grow your own everything, etc. Ethnic shops around here have better quality, cheaper prices on the same products you are buying at a large chain store too....especially spices and produce.

  7. And become what? "Giant Lion?"
    Sorry, but there is only one good store in this merger, and it's not Food Lion. Am disappointed to see this go through.

    Another move that's good for corporate and bad for the consumer. I guess I'll be shopping elsewhere. Thank God for competition.

    1. Unless you live in a big city there is no competition
      Pocomoke has only Walmart (and $4 plus milk)
      Crisfield has Food Lion
      Princess Anne has only Food Lion
      Fruitland has Walmart and Food Lion.(and milk is $3.59 in both stores)
      Salisbury has Walmart, Food Lion, Giant, and if you wish to pay join and buy in Bulk,Sam's Club

      IMO there should be a law that each town be required to have two grocery stores (dollar stores don't count.)

  8. This is not the Giant locally, it's Giant out of Carlisle Pa.

  9. Sorry, they are both owned by the same holding company, but use different symbols and displays ect. in Maryland stores. They also own Martins in Md. and West Virinia

  10. It is like a common core/ No grocery left behind night mare. I LOVE giant, if they turn any way shape or form like Food Lion, I guess we will do our grocery shopping online.

  11. Hey ! Quit hatin on Food Lion. They do a great job! I love the Lion!

  12. I wish we could get a Wegmans

  13. The poster at 5:50 is right. Ahold owns two different Giant Food Stores. You have "Giant of Landover", the Giant you all know and love and "Giant of Carlisle", the Giant I grew up with and I LOVE. Giant of Carlisle offers and actual butcher shop i their stores. Not the prepackages stuff that Giant of Landover offers. Ideally, what Ahold should do is convert all Giant of Landover stores to be more like Giant of Carlisle (also known as Martin's in Maryland, WV and areas where they have to compete against GIant Eagle).

    I also agree with the posters on here who complain that there are no other places to shop. I am getting ready to relocate and I counted the grocery stores in the area where i am moving. Not counting Wally World, I have my choice of 5 different chains, in one town. I have my choice of Giant (of Carlisle), Weis, Food Lion, Nell's SureFine and just across the border in Maryland, Wegman's and Trader Joe's.

    To the poster dreaming of a Wegman's coming here...keep dreaming. The demographic in this area is not what Wegman's is looking for. I'm sorry, it just isn't.

    See, not every place on earth is like the 'bury with limited selection.

  14. 4:31 -does your fanciful law requiring two grocery stores in every town mean Sharptown, Westover, Girdletree, and Powelville will now have more choices? Will you get them to also require six pizza places and four bookstores? And as long as you're defying economics how about two feed mills and a train station in each.

  15. To 8:58 You will find Nell's much like Hockers of Millville, also Weis is a great very good competition. 5:50

  16. Have you been to Food Lion lately? The stores in my area are much cleaner, the product in the fresh departments are guaranteed or double your money back ,as well as their brand name products. I enjoy shopping there.

  17. A merger with food Lion will bring Giant up to their standards.At least there won't be panhandlers trolling the parking lots & homeless people hanging out.

  18. I went to food lion once. I was in produce, and they had out 5 tomato's. I asked - was this all you have?

    I was told they ration out their produce and only give you a limited choice, and then replenish it as it is sold.

    So basically it is a crap shoot if you get the crap old produce or the fresh new produce.

    No thank you. My money, my choice what I buy.

  19. This area only gets leftovers.

  20. 11:49-Is that why you are here?

  21. Food Lion can't get any worse.I am not speaking for all stores but at our local store some of them act like they hate being there....even one of the managers.I returned bad meat once and this manager never apologized or attempted to prevent more of the contaminated food product from being sold.She looks like she swallowed a lemon.How in hell do antisocial people get advanced to managerial positions when they are that nasty?

  22. I'm routinely called an ahold.After reading this I'm OK with it.


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