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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Collapse, Part 4: Loss Of Faith In Public Institutions

Public institutions are now devoted to serving their own vested interests or the interests of private financial Elites. 

Though we may think of collapse in terms of ATMs not working and rampaging mobs, collapse actually starts with the intangible loss of faith in public institutions: elected officials, law enforcement, the justice system and the agencies of financial regulation (anti-trust, etc.).

Unsurprisingly to those who discern the structural rot of the status quo, Americans No Longer Believe In Their Institutions :

“Americans’ confidence in most major U.S. institutions remains below the historical average for each one,” a Gallup spokesman said in a news release. All in all, it’s a picture of a nation discouraged about its present and worried about its future, and highly doubtful that its institutions can pull America out of its trough.


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