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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Can You Say, Executive Order?

Will there actually be a 
2016 Presidential election?


  1. There may or may not be an election in November 2016 but if Obama doesn't like the result I think it's entirely possible for him to declare and "emergency" of some type and declare himself dictator or leader or some other funny stuff.

  2. Am I the only one who doesn't think the Civil War was about slave owners? I recall that Lincoln decided to free the slaves as the result of how a particular battle ended. The Union abolished slavery. The Union won the war. The Union enforced the proclamation. Slave owners were not bad guys if they obeyed the new law. Maybe the racists who are agitating should give some thanks to the many who died during this war that resulted in the freedom of slaves (but not the for why they went to war).

    1. ....And how is this related to this post exactly?

  3. "....The Union abolished slavery."...

    Close but not correct. Lincoln freed slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the US, in other words, he freed the slaves in the Confederacy but allowed slaves to be owned in the North. The Emancipation Proclamation was a bulls**t act because it declared slaves free in the part of the country where Lincoln had no control but allowed slavery to continue in Maryland and a few other northern states. You can look it up.

  4. Don't be surprised if he tries some sort of scheme to prevent an election. Just be prepared to hunker down and protect the people and things that you hold dear. God Bless America


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