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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Woman tells Fox News she saw police shoot black man in Baltimore


  1. Tiffany Baltimoron.
    The ONLY thing that is going to help blacks is if they go back to GOD in a real way and not the fake way they do.
    Their lying is as epidemic as is their killing of each other off.
    What a disgrace-I'll tell you-she saw the police shoot the guy in the back-SMH

  2. Lol of course she did

  3. My question again as with all the shootings. If he was sitting there doing nothing ----- Why did he run when the police stopped?

  4. Sad. She doesn't even look the ghetto girl part and how quick she was to make up a story that wasn't even anywhere near true.

  5. 5 minutes of fame!!! Stuck a mic and camera in her face and it was automatic PO PO done wrong...LOL Police should have shot the THUG if he was carrying a weapon.

  6. and of course she is just hanging out waiting for her Welfare check to come... this issue will not be solved anytime soon when people just want want want... and don't work, take school seriously and get out of poverty

  7. This is going to happen way too often , just like today. Many more to come!!

  8. Ignorant ass girl

  9. Now where are the black "faith based leaders" and the black "pastors" on this one.
    All the socials ills the black communities face is rooted right here in this video. Honesty is a foreign concept to them. When this basic attribute of a civilized society is nonexistent the society collapses.
    I am so glad this is on video for the world to see.

  10. The only thing that shocks me more is that she didn't say the suspect had his hands up and was hollering don't shoot.
    Has it come to this? These people can not be trusted as witnesses to anything.

  11. What never fails to amaze me, is the brazen stupidity of some of these "fictional narratives".

    It's like they don't think anyone will check the facts, the evidence of what happened. No medical examiner is going to roll him over and discover that there is no entry hole in his back, which is required if one is to be "shot in the back".

    Never mind the fact that he wasn't shot at all, let alone dead.

  12. I wonder what she is saying today about this. She probably is still claiming the police shot someone.

  13. Come on guys you can tell she is a Tard. She saw Santa on Easter Sunday. Her mom was a heavy drug user.

  14. "Her mom was a heavy drug user."

    Oh no doubt but the liberals blame it on lead paint.

  15. MY QUESTION IS :::: Where is all the eyes seeing these killings when thousands of blacks killing each other and nobody see's that and HOW many Blacks have been killed by their own since crackhead freddy was killed and NO Protests ??? What gives ?? Black Folks GET REAL. And see the real problem and that is it is YOU all and no the police as they are fed up and tired of you all and many wished u all would kill each other off where they did not have to.


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