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Sunday, May 10, 2015


First lady Michelle Obama used a speech Monday that was supposed to be celebrating the opening of a new museum to instead dig deeper the racial divide that’s been growing ever wider during her husband’s presidency.

“Museums and concert halls,” she said, just don’t welcome non-white visitors – especially children – the way they welcome whites.

Speaking at the new Whitney museum in New York City’s meat packing district last week, Obama said she grew up thinking that museums were not places “for someone who looks like me.”



  1. Their arrogance and irresponsibility speaking is just criminal! So inflammatory statements.

  2. They are not for someone like you. They are places of learning. They are meant for people who want to look inward and expand their understanding of life. As far as I know that cross all racial and religious divides. The only requirement is the desire to learn.

    And you are correct museums are not for everyone. That is why they dont mix modern art, with classical art, with abstract, with history, with music. There are as many museums as there are individual interests. They celebrate diversity as opposed to encourage homogeneity.

    How low rent is the White House right now?

  3. I bet she was real interested in museums when she was growing up too, about like I'd be interested in visiting Chicago where she grew up. Such a very poor example of what a FLOTUS should be.

  4. Is she as stupid as she looks? These people are just plain dumbasses.

  5. All of her writings as a student in college were about hating white people and America. She is a real C&%T!

  6. I could get mad - I could say alot of derogatory things but what comes to my head is how very, very sad.
    What an awful testament to the first black president and family.

    How very sad.

  7. Why do you people continue to make foolish comments just because you do not like the fact she is black and or a democrat. Before you accuse me of the many personal attacks so common on the site, let me just say that I have always voted republican, own several businesses, several home in different states and abroad. I do not agree with her politics or her philosophy, but she is not dumb, uneducated or ignorant just because she hold a different view point than you. She has a college degree and a law degree from Harvard. Ok, I hear your responses that there are plenty of dumb people with degrees, but every doctor you go to when sick or lawyer you consult when faced with a legal problem has those degrees too. Get over it. They are done after the next election. Let it go an focus on ensuring the best candidate gets the GOP nomination and gets elected.
    A. Turlock

  8. So, what places ARE built for "people like you", Ma'am?

  9. 9:20 pm You assuming that ANYONE would make a comment Just because she is "black" is foolish and ignorant on your part. You are the one that obviously has a chip on YOUR shoulder. Just because anyone expressed their honest opinion, doesn't make them raciar. So DAMN SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING EVERYTHING IS RACIAL!! Is shows poor self-esteem on your part! Get another excuse besides the "race card"...it is soooo old in America!

  10. It is plain and simple, Al Sharpton encourages racism, otherwise he woudln't have a job. Excuses, excuses.... Every time disagree with a non-white person, people get accused of Racism. Absolutely, an uneducated statement 9:20 pm!!! Totally ignorant on your part.

  11. Ok, why do you hate her? Be honest!

  12. I hate the Obamas because they have damaged race relations and are racists against whites.

  13. If she was thinking this as a kid, then her insanity has to go back as far as her childhood. Keep pushing the race envelope, but the real truth being - the ONLY place YOU DO NOT BELONG IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

  14. Who said anybody hated her or anyone else for that matter! !! You used the words racism and hate now! It appears as though you need a soul check. Good night

  15. I think she has and had a low self-esteem issue. I think her lack of willingness to be a part of the art culture is more of her upbringing. I was raised poor I also thought museums were for the rich. Then I went to Washington D.C. on a class trip. It was there I learned they were for all of us.

    I recognize she wants to see Black art and historical moments that strictly pertain to Black life in America. I refuse to use the word African American. We are all just Americans. It is sad she holds this hatred of White America. She is on a platform that could change racism instead she is bolstering it.

    One day she will look back and wish she made positive changes versus racist divides. A formal education does not cure racism Turlock it just makes you book smart. Ones heart has to change.

    Truly sad.

  16. I find it hard to believe that how she "feels" about something has any reflection on reality. Could it be that white people are simply more interested in things like Art, Science, and History? I doubt that as well. This has a lot more to do with things like education and interest than it does with race, but to a democrat, everything is *always* about race. Anything else is secondary.

  17. Well, 9:47, maybe because she thinks the federal government should control what students eat for lunch.

  18. Pack lunch for your kids then unless they rely on the free lunch program.

  19. well she may have a point. it may be very difficult to overcome a millenium of running through the jungle! give them oh I'd say another 1000 years nd see if they can make any progress!

  20. 9:20 PM, why do you think everyone has to be so politically correct. I'm sick of PC this and PC that, say it like it is. This is still America and we can still do that here.

  21. She is just another ignorant, black racist who is educated and living the life of luxury at the taxpayers' expense. Her and her cowardly kenyan king husband have demonstrated their racism numerous times and have divided this nation as never before. They are both cowards and traitors to our American way of life. They have insulted our military, made deals for nukes with terrorists, devastated our economy and have openly and deliberately lied to the American people. Have we had enough yet????


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