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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Suspect in quadruple killings captured in D.C., police say

Police apprehended late Thursday night the suspect in the gruesome killings of three members of a Northwest Washington family and a housekeeper, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said.

“Just got him,” Lanier said shortly before 11:30 p.m., speaking of Daron Dylon Wint, 34, who was apprehended in Northeast Washington.

Federal marshals had been tracking Wint on Thursday night from College Park as he traveled in a white Chevrolet Cruze, a police official said. The suspect was traveling with two women, and one of them was driving. The Cruze was following a white box truck, which had two black males inside. At least one of the men was believed to be a relative of Wint’s, the official said.



  1. I wonder what the NAACP will say about this?
    I wonder what Al Sharpton will say about this.
    I just wonder !

    1. As always not a damn thing!!! I haven't heard Obama open his big mouth!!!

  2. Where is the White Outrage and riots.

  3. Imagine how the person who paid him to do this is sweating.I understand that there was a race to see who could get to him first,and his chance for survival is much better with the cops.He has not cracked yet,but he will if he knows who his employer is.

  4. If Obama had a son?

  5. All those "family provided" gentle giant photos...show the glowering, hate-filled ones, that show his true nature.

    Nice person, sure. He was a gooood boy.

  6. Welcome to Obama world!!!!!

  7. wtf are you smokin' 8:48?????????

  8. Whites Unite time to start being heard on Black on White violence. Ohblahblah will not say a word about this and it happened right around the corner from his borrowed house. He sucks as a person and a President

  9. Burned the child alive. This dude is pure evil. Hang him in the streets till the buzzards pick him clean. Wow what is this world coming to.

  10. Got rope will travel. I would have no issue hanging this p.o.s. Oh that sounds racist don't want any libatrds judging me. I mean give him room to murder and destroy then give the mother fkr a job. Sorry Mayor Blake I lost myself for a minute. wtf

  11. #1 You guys are right. Nothing but silence from Obama, Sharpton, or NAACP. This dude committed a heinous crime, was captured, and will be tried. You think maybe the silence is because NO CIVIL RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED?? Get a clue.

    #2 1040 I seem to recall a white man shooting up an elementary school class. Another shooting up a movie theater. Last I checked, being a violent loony has nothing to do with race.

    If the comments here represent the intellect of conservative minds, no wonder you are so angry.

  12. Hand him over to ISIS! He's just as evil and demonic as them!

    Not worthy of food, a prison cell, or tax payer's money for a trial.

  13. If you can ever get White people to the point of outrage I wouldn't want to be black in this country.

  14. 62,593 Blacks were the victim of White violence
    while 320,082 Whites were the victims of Black violence.
    White people make up 63.7 % of our population while Blacks make up 12.6 %... meaning Blacks commit 25 times more racial violent acts than Whites.


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