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Sunday, May 24, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Grand jury indicts 6 police officers in death of Freddie Gray

A grand jury has indicted all 6 police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore City state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby announced.


  1. Who cares they will be found Not Guilty at least 5 of them, then let the real riots begin .

  2. Amazing how you cannot get a cop indicted for anything, yet these 6 get indicted on bs charges based on political motivation. Just goes to show it's not just the cops, but the entire legal system. At least this time the cops are having it used against them, even if the charges don't stick, (they won't), its nice to see corruption working for once in our favor.

  3. I sure hope these officers have a very high profile, efficient, intelligent attorney(s) to help them. I believe this was nothing but a witch hunt conducted by an inexperienced city states attorney to garner her political career. I'm certain between her and the mayor they have high political goals and this case will provide the rung in the ladder for both of them.

    Instead of seeking out JUST the bad apple IF THERE IS ONE, it is the mentality of the state to go after all of the police. What an injustice.

    Let's us not forget dear old Freddy was nothing more than a drug dealer and user. He certainly was not worth glorifying or the looting and burning of building by thugs and rioters. Freddy lived on and by the street code. He could have found a meaningful job IF he really wanted to but let's face folks he only wanted easy, fast money by using a knife. He isn't worth all the trouble and grief he has caused many people.

  4. They are being made an example of so the losers and thugs don't riot again.

  5. Concerned RetireeMay 21, 2015 at 6:30 PM

    This proves there is a justifiable reason for a change of venue.
    Now let us see how The Judge response.
    Baltimore sends their high profile cases here on a change of venue or upper western MD.
    Lets see in this case. That will tell you a lot if granted and not moved to one of these areas.

  6. How did a 19 YO end up as a DA in Balto?

  7. I say if they riot, the governor should and will take over from the mayor who is already shown herself prejudice against all whites as evidenced by her letting them have room to riot.

    I agree with the sheriff, if they riot, shoot to kill. Hopefully that will lower the street crime.

  8. I agree with the sheriff, if they riot, shoot to kill. Hopefully that will lower the street crime.

    May 21, 2015 at 6:45 PM

    It's amazing people like you two are even allowed to breathe, foolish slaves

  9. She not 19 idiot 634

  10. The grand jury was made up of all black people.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I agree with the sheriff, if they riot, shoot to kill. Hopefully that will lower the street crime.

    May 21, 2015 at 6:45 PM

    It's amazing people like you two are even allowed to breathe, foolish slaves

    May 21, 2015 at 6:53 PM

    Let me guess... You are a soft hearted liberal Douche Bag!!

  12. Oh yeah! A jury of their peers! Can't wait. I love it when the rabbit gets hold of the gun.

  13. Ok,,,,well they charged the officers on a Statement of Charges. At that point eh officers were entitled to a preliminary hearing where the probable cause would be reviewed by a judge to determine if there is probable cause. The States Attorney did not want it reviewed by a judge so they drop the charges and get a grand jury to hand down an indictment on the same charges - thereby avoiding the preliminary hearing. Now there may be some motions hearings but otherwise the probable cause will not be reviewed and the case will go to trial. The state is banking that the officers will want a jury trial and there isn't a jury pool anywhere that isn't tainted. These officers will never get a fair trial.

  14. Let me guess... You are a soft hearted liberal Douche Bag!!

    May 21, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    yeah, that must be it. you are proud and brave when it's someone else's rights, freedoms and lives at stake. I hope you're just as ballsy when they come for yours.

    but we know you will be whining like a small female dog

  15. Let's see the Thugs For Hire indicted on federal charges of inciting a riot, destruction of property, etc. Of course the DOJ is silent on that issue.

  16. Throw the book at 'em they killed Fred

  17. 1132p The neighborhood crack business will never be the same. Oh wait, yes it is. Freddie who?

  18. Those cops killed that man. Justice will be served.

  19. Yes, it will, even if only some, or none, are convicted.

  20. This action will end her career not enough evidence to convict

  21. So all six killed him lol. Really ? You racist cop hating animals. I hope you fall victim to crime. Don't call the cops handle it yourself. Self-righteous liberals are destroying this country. The facts are there what has the state produced in the way of tangible evidence against these officers. I can tell you not one thing. The man died in custody does not make it murder. Maybe and I say maybe manslaughter at best.

    Libtards should not be allowed to share the Memorial Day holiday. If our vets took your stand we would be speaking German and there would be no Blacks or Jews. Think about it.

  22. I repeat shoot to kill. These thugs have been asked, reminded, told, urged, given orders, then everything repeated again, and again for them and they still want to charge at police who are protecting everyone, and their property. But these coward, thugs, bullies, street criminals keep on charging at police, throwing stones, rocks, cement blocks, loot business put in place FOR THOSE WORTHLESS BASTARDS, and burn innocent people's homes and businesses.

    If the tables were turned on the rats in the street, oh wait, they wouldn't wait and listen they would just start shooting at police for the fun of it. I bet then you would be happy. You are a coward and don't have enough sense to even take in air.

    The police warn then the street rats run, why not stop and follow orders? Too afraid? If you didn't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of and why do you run?
    Of course you did something wrong period.

    Thank GOD we have police that are still willing to put their lives at risk for trash to keep decent people safe. I respect the police and I am very grateful they are there. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM.

    All lives matter not just black lives.

  23. Grand jury fixed for the Baltimorons .

  24. the kops incited the riots genius. not just in balt, but everywhere else. and by comments made by presumably kops on here, we see your contempt for civilians.

    and you are starting to see ours for you.

    soon, soon some of you will be like that cop in n'orleans. but it will more than just one.

    talk all the smack you creeps want to. talk session is about over. you are rabid dogs and need to be put down.


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