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Sunday, May 17, 2015


After a multitude of lawsuits filed over the past several months, the Salisbury Police Officer involved was allegedly told, resign or be fired. Either way, he is no longer with the Salisbury Police Department. 

It's also been reported that Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan is denying she asked the Officer to resign or he would be terminated. "CYA" in this case has a double meaning. 1, See Ya. 2, Cover Your A$$.  


  1. Hard to believe that he is still employed and was even given the opportunity to resign. He should have been terminated long ago.

  2. I agree 9:45-This attempt to incite outrage over this is falling on deaf ears,but only you and I have commented thus far so a lot could change.

  3. Fruitland will give him a job

  4. He works for Somerset Sheriffs Office now.

    1. Put a law suit on Somerset. They have hired a cop that has been known to go off his chain. They have recklessly endangered their citizens. This is why we need a registry off bad cops. They shouldn't be allowed to act like burger flippers and bounce from one job to another!

    2. Anon 11:54 I am a so called burger flipper. At least I'm working and have never been on welfare, idiot.

    3. Good for you, better to have a job and your dignity than welfare and attitude.

    4. And did I say your on welfare? Have you been at McDonald's all your life? Congrats if so. Hope your a manager. But most burger flippers bounce from restaurant to restaurant.

  5. Baltimore City apparently looks for candidates with his skill set!

  6. he is exactly what the new cops are.

  7. He is leaving the shore. He has the right idea. My whole family moved out of Slumbury. They screwed that kid

  8. We need more cops like him.

    1. Oh yes, you're exactly right....NOT. Just what we need Is for all our cops to be sociopaths with severe illusions of grandure and a little man power complex so they can be abusive while hiding behind a badge and a gun. Repeated incidents with this guy have proven that he's another dead civilian just waiting to happen.
      Be interested to see just how tough this little pissant is out of uniform and the brotherhood of blue behind him.
      Not so tough I'm guessing.

    2. Hire criminals for cops ? You idIot.

  9. There are more officers than he who need to leave the SPD.

  10. Barbara Duncan lie? I don't believe it (wink)

  11. Why give him the opportunity to resign? If his actions warrent that he be removed from Salisbury's police for why shouldn't he have a black mark that stops him from being employeed as an officer somewhere else.

    Just another way the police fail the people that pay their salaries.

  12. Should have promoted him to lead training officer...new task force formed by him to clean up the THUGS in Salisbury!!!

    1. Yeah. Great idea. First cop killed or shot in the county in over 20+ years.
      I'm glad that p.o.s. is gone. Less of a liability that would hurt our citizens from his actions to the lawsuits we would pay out. I just can't understand why a neighboring force would pick him up knowing what he is about.

  13. Salisbury doesn't need to be in the position of Baltimore PD that has paid hundreds of thousands to cover police brutality cases.

  14. They should make him chief of police.
    We need many more like him.
    Tragic that this ended this way.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury doesn't need to be in the position of Baltimore PD that has paid hundreds of thousands to cover police brutality cases.

    May 13, 2015 at 8:03 PM

    Try millions

  16. Here's a "hypothetical". If an SPD officer had unregistered handguns in their home...would most citizens consider that a problem?

  17. 7:50
    Here's a hypothetical. Wtf are you suggesting?

  18. Wow...10:58 I'm truly impressed how you managed to convey crude and stupid in 7 words. I think 7:50's implication was obvious to most breathing mammals.

  19. 7:11
    I don't know what 7:50 was implying.
    Why hasn't he (you) clarified in response to 10:58's comment?

  20. I would like to know if all you feel good abpit contributing to ruining this good young mans career.

    1. You have lost your mind. I feel good that a psycho carrying a firearm is the streets. I've known this wannabe since high school. He was a punk "star quarterback" then and is still a legend in is own mind. Now he has a gun and badge to hide behind.

  21. 10:38 I agree with you.
    Every person I know on Delmarva --most of whom are leaders and successful hard working good people--feels the same way. It is atrocious that this lynch mob mentality is allowed to exist without consequence.

  22. Let's get one thing clear, my hypothetical was not in reference to officer in the article above. If I provide any further clarification to my hypothetical I will be inviting problems for Joe and myself. Suffice it to say I know what I know and what I know is disturbing at best.

    1. unregistered handguns are not a crime.

    2. Really? in maryland? sorry but you are absolutely wrong abut that.

    3. Not if you owned them before it became mandatory to:
      1) Register regulated firearms as part of the purchase;
      2) Register regulated firearms upon becoming a resident of the state.

      You can certainly have regulated firearms which are not registered that you owned prior to those requirements taking effect.

  23. 10:58 why bother with little things like facts?

  24. Joe,the stuff going on at SPD pales in comparison to Somerset County.Both Crisfield and P.A. police departments have "problem cops",one of them has Federal lawsuits against him..Seriously,poke around,ask some questions because nobody else has.

  25. Justin is a spoiled Momma/Daddys boy, he who went thru college having his mother and GF do his work. Now he has a gun...

  26. I am so sick of this. I posted the hypothetical and I am knowledgeable of maryland firearm laws. The fact that you morons are unable to connect the dots is not my problem. There are scary things happening within SPD. So sorry you can't comprehend that.


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