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Friday, May 22, 2015

Once Again, Liberals Rewarded For Their Bad Behavior


  1. This is why it is so important to spread the truth about Hillary to those who are even considering voting for her. They have to be totally ignorant or as corrupt as she is.

  2. Look at that smug look on her face, I'd like to reach out and slap the poop out of her. She is absolutely so corrupt and just keeps on getting by with anything she wants to do. People out there you vote for her, you are voting for more of the same, only worse.

  3. In addition to her actions and inactions actually got people killed!

    She learned that from her husband's gutting of the military while he was in office!

  4. Both have appeared on SNL.Does that count?

  5. It is sick to see what a double standard society we have.

  6. I'm wondering when her gal pal Didi Myers will get some big job in DC

  7. As long as they go on the talk show circuit,they'll be ok.

  8. pervious president. Drunk Driving and Cocaine possession

  9. she will win in a landslide on her good looks alone

  10. Clinton is just a slime ball just like her immoral husband. Both have o honor, no respect and are cowardly as reflected by their lying and corruption. She is, and has always been, a tune political whore who only uses and destroys people. I'm sure the minorities will vote for her because she exemplifies the same character as our current lying cowardly kenyan king.


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