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Friday, May 22, 2015

NYPD Chief Wants 450 More Cops So He Can Fight ISIS...What?

Bill Bratton says he'll try to assign more officers to stop terrorist organizations.

New York City police chief Bill Brattonsays that he will increase the size of the police force quickly in order to combat terrorism from the Islamic State. On the John Catsimatidis radio show Bratton explained that there is an, "increased threat from ISIS using social media to recruit people not only to go to Syria to fight, but encouraging people … to attack police, to attack government officials, to basically brainwash them under their screwed-up ideology. That threat has expanded significantly in the now 16 months I’ve been police commissioner."

Bratton continued, "We’re treating that threat so seriously, I’m going to put another 450 police officers – if we get the approval to increase the size of the police force – and I need to do it very very quickly – into our counterterrorism operations to increase the ability of our officers to protect critical sites around the city." Bratton then blamed the threat on, "This crazy hijacking of the Muslim religion by these fanatics, twisting it into an ideology that’s all about hate and murder and killing.”



  1. no the police are for you the regular people... They are coming mark my words...

  2. All of these "thugs" and police haters, will all of the sudden need the police then.

  3. Edward Snowden needs to be returned to the US and put in charge of the NSA ISIS branch.For reasons unknown the NSA has been ducking ISIS involvement.They seem to be too worried about what we are doing to focus on a world threat.Exactly who is constantly pulling back the reigns and why is a mystery.Snowden would hold their feet to the fire if given the opportunity.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All of these "thugs" and police haters, will all of the sudden need the police then.

    May 22, 2015 at 9:29 AM

    no we won't and don't. we need to get rid of most of the kops and tell the others left to get out of the way and go hide behind their bushes, corps and pols.


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