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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Obama Uses BOGUS Statistics to Accuse U.S. Police of Being Racist

The prevailing narrative emanating from the left is that all men of color are innocent, all police are racist and that violent conflict is a healthy manifestation of very-justifiable anger. And now, according to a report from the Gateway Pundit, even President Obama is getting in on the race-baiting:



  1. Ah, real easy to become that way, considering who is doing all the rioting, burning, murdering, raping...

  2. Do any of you believe any thing that comes out this POS's? map

  3. 1:55 so true, many people who used to believe that the black community needed their help and understanding, now are changed like the rest of us. Their eyes are now opened and they see them for what they are! Violent criminals, with no morals.


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