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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Can Muslims Be American? 58% of US Muslims Say Free Speech Should Be Illegal

A recent poll seems to suggest that Muslims living in the USA want to outlaw free speech and a large number even agree that blasphemers of the Muslim god should be executed… HERE in the USA! It all makes one wonder if it is possible to be both a Muslim and a true American?

For years during the invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush some doubters of Bush’s tactics said that Muslims cannot be made to understand western freedoms and constitutional government. Many said Islam is incompatible with freedom and modernity. Bush insisted that Iraqis and other Muslims were “just like everyone else” and yearned to be free. This normal human yearning would make them understand and welcome our efforts there, Bush felt.

While we’ve certainly had mixed and usually disappointing results from our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have certainly seen that Islam is often a stumbling block to freedom.

And now we get this poll showing that even Muslims who live in America hate America’s most important principles.

…the results of polling data collected by Wenzel Strategies during October 22 to 26, 2012, from 600 U.S. Muslims, indicate widespread support among American votaries of Islam for this fundamental rejection of the basic freedoms of expression and conscience, as guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,” 45% of respondents agreed “…that those who criticize or parody Islam in the U.S. should face criminal charges,” and fully 12% of this Muslim sample even admitted they believed in application of the draconian, Sharia-based punishment for the non-existent crime of “blasphemy” in the U.S. code, answering affirmatively, “…that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death.”



  1. Send them back .

  2. I just don't get it.

    They leave places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Islamic African countries, which must be pure utopia for them, and come here to a land they have been taught since birth to despise.

    The sight of a woman's ankles deeply offends them, let alone her face in public. Yet they come here in droves, where shorts and t-shirts are the norm on women in the summer.

    They are sincerely aggrieved at our audacity to speak our minds, even on the hypocrisy and evil of the Islamic ideology. Worse, women here say what they want to, even if their husbands disapprove.

    They leave behind a Stone Age land blissfully free of Jews, and take up residence in a country which has thrived from their exceptional contributions to science and many other modern fields of study. What a burden they must endure every day, to have to live in a society that is for the most part accepting, even welcoming to Jews.

    From the pure and Islamicly correct land devoid of pork, they have exposed themsves to a society that reveres bacon as almost a sacrament.

    So why are they here? Why have they poured into Europe and Britain by the millions? And why are hundreds of thousands packing up their rugs and moving into our cities, setting up their own little Islamic society, regardless of our cultural norms and expectations?

    And once here, without a bit of hesitation, they proceed to file lawsuits, manipulate and demand our community not just overlook their craven violations of our laws and human rights, but actively seek to force us to make accommodation for their "religion" at the expense of our beliefs, values and cultural

    Fact is, only a few truly came here as refugees, wishing to bro e American.

    Those who do not, who are merely here for the welfare benefits and to assist in spreading the plague of Islam, should not have citizenship here. They need to have their residency revoked and put on a one way trip back where they came from. Period.

  3. Muslims need to be expelled from our country, if the government won't do it, than citizens are going to have too. Start by throwing pig guts and blood all over masques. next thing, never use their business for anything, don't buy from them ether. (there goes OC), no one talk to them or help them, they are persona non grada.
    Show them they are not wanted here or welcome here, go home!

  4. 1:54 - Is there a list of Moooseslime owned businesses on DelMarVa? I would live to know where they work so I can go to their competitor....for instance, the Jewish Deli in OC.....at least I know they are peace-loving people - albeit persecuted.....

  5. Yes only foreigners are Muslims.. typical shorebilly thinking

  6. Then why are they here. Hey if they don't like it then leave. I will not miss you. You wanted to leave your country because you don't like there so why come here and try to change this country to the one you left? If you don't like it here LEAVE!!!!!! I will not change my life or believes to make you feel welcome. I will welcome my into my world as long as long as you act like you want to be here and follow what we all have to do. I will pay for you to get out of my country with the help of many people that love this country. The more you complain the less you are welcome. map

  7. All except 3:13 get it. Islam is the religion of Satan. They are trying to destroy us from within! Don't you see the bombardment of turmoil from our "watchdog" press? Most of our leaders are blind stupid or in on it. So bury your head in the sand make sure your mom pays your cable bill. Hopefully the next generation Will get to experience the american dream. Keep cheering for destruction of our constitution and you will be sorry.

  8. When are you people going to wake up? We are at war with radical islam.

  9. 9:15 We aren't at war with radical Islam, if we were, we wouldn't be importing them here by the thousands.

    Radical islam, however, is at war with us. It's past time for our leaders to quit pandering to it.

    1. When someone declares war on you. ..as Islam has...you are at war..whether you declared it or not.

  10. This country was never intended to harbor muslims.
    It was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and the religious freedoms referred to in our Constitution/Bill of Rights is aimed squarely there. Not at a cult of murderers hell bent on the destruction of Judaism and Christianity.


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