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Sunday, May 03, 2015

New Black Panther Leader Says He Gonna Hunt Down White People And Kill Them To Totally Destroy White Supremacy

On Sunday, a New Black Panther Party leader using the name General Taco said members of the New Black Panther Party will hunt down and kill white people, The Blaze reported Wednesday. Saying that the future of the organization is “absolute total destruction” of what he called “white supremacy” and capitalism on the planet, General Taco said the group would hunt their “pink a**es down.”

Taco, whose name stands for “taking all capitalists out,” wasn’t finished. “Once [white people] die, we should dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, bury ‘em, dig ‘em up, and kill ‘em again, and again, and again!” he exclaimed, getting more agitated as he spoke. He justified his remarks by claiming white people have a “history” of pushing “crack, AIDS and unemployment” on black people in order to “exterminate” them. Taco’s call for racial violence is nothing new for the group.

On Sunday, the St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida, chapter of the New Black Panther Party issued a tweet calling for the murder of white people.

“Kill these racist h**keys, these cr***ers, these pigs, these pink people, It has been long overdue!” the organization said on Twitter.



  1. No hate speech there, nothing to raise an eyebrow about.

  2. Where are the authorities on this,if it were white people saying this they would have been arrested.

  3. I can only imagine Anthony Brown in this situation.

  4. he better watch out or his momma gonna come down to the street and b*tch slap him like the lady in Baltimore....lol

  5. The democrats beware cuz he talkin bout you.

  6. y isnt this thug POS in jail let me guess we have to wait to see when he does it???


  7. I think he's not serious. If all the whites were dead, who would be left to blame for the laziness and failures of so many?

    1. And who's pay honeys welfare if all the working folk were gone?

  8. This is clearly "Terroristic Threats" which is against the law, Federal Marshals need to pick him up.

  9. Terroristic threats are now an arrestable offense.

    Done deal.

  10. if feel my life is threatened by this person.

    he'd better be real careful of what he wishes for.

    some folks don't take kindly to be threatened like that.

  11. So let's have black supremacy take over. The radical Muslims want just that!

  12. For there own good they should probably screen who they go after since certain folks like myself have been to war and know how to wage war! I personally am dying for a chance at a live exercise!

  13. Why isn't he arrested for Terroristic Threats!!

  14. If he kills all the whites there won't be anyone to pay his welfare

  15. Another Communist front group that wants to kill white people and squash the success of capitalism that built the WORLD led by America.


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