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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Baltimore Mayor: Space Was Provided To Those Who ‘Wished To Destroy’ [VIDEO]

Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made a stunning admission Saturday

Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made a stunning admission Saturday in the aftermath of violent protests over the recent death of Freddie Gray, saying she wanted to give space to those “who wished to destroy.”

And destroy, some did.

Numerous storefronts and vehicles were damaged and businesses were looted at the tail end of a day of demonstrations. Thirty-four people were arrested and six police officers suffered minor injuries. Baseball fans attending a game at Camden Yards were told to stay inside the ballpark until violence outside of the stadium subsided.

“I’ve made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” Rawlings-Blake said during a press conference Saturday night.

“It’s a very delicate balancing act, because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”



  1. Last night on WBAL-TV Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Rep. Elijah Cummings loudly stated those that were causing all the trouble were from outside of Baltimore.
    On WRC-TV they looked at the arrest papers of the 34 who were arrested for assault, theft and looting. 1 person was from Wash. DC and the other 33 were in fact from Baltimore.

    Didn't Blake and Cummings think someone just might fact check their so called facts? These are supposed to be leaders in Maryland.

  2. Both of my sons tried to go to the game but left after the violence started. I was sent a pic of a "protester" trying to steal a purse from a lady outside the ballpark. My son was at Pickles Pub in the outside area when a couple hundred "protesters" started throwing bottles into the mostly white crowd. They even got their hands on a couple different men and started ganging up on them 12 to 1. Then the "protesters" started throwing full trash cans into the crowd of Pickles patrons. I have proof, he sent me video from his phone. Where were the police? The National Guard? The Mayor wants to be PC. The hell with that, call the "protesters" what they are, criminals, and lock them up.

  3. "Space to Destroy". WOW, what leadership. How about protecting the city's citizens and businesses! Why would anyone in their right mind live in that s*^t hole or start a business there.

  4. This is unbelievable. If I were an insurance co. I would bill the city for damages.

  5. This is a crime in its self. Check over your insurance policies, there are clauses in them that allow the company to not pay for damage due to , "riots, and acts of war", the property destroyed is just lost.

  6. 11:02 Oh I see, so now you want the police around. Funny how that works.

    1. If you lazy arses would stay in the crime areas and start taking down these thugs instead of babysitting the roads to collect revenue maybe this behavior wouldn't happen. But your LEO now days are too afraid to do real work but still want the title of having a dangerous job.

  7. Space for those wishing to destroy...Ms Mayor, that is wrong on sooo many levels!

    Arrest 'em and lock 'em up and you'll see the incidents decline as miscreants are held accountable for their actions. Accommodating thugs promotes continued unwanted behavior...conforming to the stereotype.....

  8. This is why we need carry laws in Maryland.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:02 Oh I see, so now you want the police around. Funny how that works.

    April 27, 2015 at 11:29 AM

    not funny at all. if you can't see the difference, quit.

  10. 11:44
    it's time to stop worrying about carry "laws" and just carry.

  11. Amen 11:44 These thugs would unlikely attack a person holding a gun because it would be self defense.

  12. 11:10-While watching it unfold live on an internet feed on Saturday I was thinking how I would love to know how the reporters "knew" that the trouble makers were not from Baltimore. This was well before SRB did the live press conference saying the same thing and before the BPD tweeted the same nonsense on their Twitter feed. It's as if the BPD and SRB took what the media was saying and ran with it.
    In light of this very serious investigation going on where people want answers and truthful answers they are punching (not just poking) holes in their own credibility.
    Whoever is advising both SRB and the Batts the Police Commissioner is inept and incompetent. The reality is both, should know better themselves but they do have PR and spokespersons on staff who certainly if competent professionals know what and what not to say.

  13. So I guess those groups of "good ol' boys" of yesteryear with their ropes and mobs were just looking for a little space to destroy!

  14. 11:52 You are probably right. Better to be alive and face a jury.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So I guess those groups of "good ol' boys" of yesteryear with their ropes and mobs were just looking for a little space to destroy!

    April 27, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    NO, they were murdering people, not breaking some windows and throwing a few punches.

    And your mentality is what has brought us to this point. Enjoy.

    And make sure to bleach your sheet so it's nice and white.

  16. 2:02
    that's right, when all else fails, blame it on whitey.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that's right, when all else fails, blame it on whitey.

    April 27, 2015 at 2:31 PM

    all else has not failed, but if the shoe fits...

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that's right, when all else fails, blame it on whitey.

    April 27, 2015 at 2:31 PM

    wasn't it whitey who was murdering people with those ropes you mentioned? don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot do ya


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