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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Murder charges against Freddie Gray cops may be DROPPED because police findings don't support the case, say officials

The murder charges filed against the Baltimore officers who arrested Freddie Gray could be dropped, because the police investigation into his death doesn't support the prosecution's case, it's been reported.

Last Friday, Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby levelled charges ranging from assault to second-degree murder at six police officers involved in Gray's death. He had suffered a fatal spinal injury while in police custody.

However, officials familiar with the case have revealed that police investigators do not agree with the charges.



  1. No kidding.
    The POLICE investigate OTHER police and, believe it or not, they don't find any wrongdoing on the part of the police!
    Because, as everyone knows, the police NEVER lie, falsify evidence, destroy evidence, or perjure themselves.
    THAT would go a LONG way in explaining why, wait for it now........................................99% (!!) of ALL police killings are "justified".
    By other police.
    When they swear an oath to uphold the law and defend the Constitution, it has about as much weight as a crackhead saying "that ain't my pipe!!"
    Keep cheering.

  2. Not that gray deserved to die but I love how we give more attention to a criminals death then someone serving our country. Police brutality maybe a problem but black on black violence is far worse. Who is talking about that?

  3. Glad to hear it. The charges were bogus in the first place, the mayor just wanted to showboat and stop the burning and looting.
    I for one am glad that this scum is dead, he has caused problems since he was in 1st. grade!

  4. Mosby doesn't have the qualifications or experience to make the charges she did. Was she the best that Baltimore had to offer?

    1. She had the only qualification that mattered in this instance. Her race. It was an orchestrated dog and pony media show. Black prosecuter throws the cops to the wolves to quell the rioters.

  5. Don't bet on it. This is just another ridiculous "leak" by the Baltimore PD. Those cops killed that man. Justice will be served.

  6. You cop-haters have no understanding of the justice system or the law.

  7. Well 9:44 when you look at who the "independent investigator" the SA relied on and he's the one who was shown to have falsify evidence and was fired from the BPD things do take a different tone to those who are intellectually honest.
    FYI-Independent doesn't mean impartial or unbiased.
    What's even more telling is on the BC SA's website where staff is listed, there is a blank space where this person's name belongs.
    The question is why would the SA hire a disgraced BC officer?

  8. Those 6 officers are going to be rich men when this is over.

  9. " lmclain said...
    No kidding.
    The POLICE investigate OTHER police and, believe it or not, they don't find any wrongdoing on the part of the police!
    Because, as everyone knows, the police NEVER lie, falsify evidence, destroy evidence, or perjure themselves."

    Okay what about prosecutors who falsify evidence. Right off hand comes to mind Nifong Duke Lacrosse and Nancy Grace.
    Your comment is ridiculous because it goes both ways.

  10. Gray had an accident prior. That's where the 'depraved heart' comes in. She's trying to say driver knew and acted in a depraved way toward Gray. Problem is prior to surrendering, he ran like a gazelle, which negates any notion that the driver did/ should have known he was injured, if he in fact, knew about the injury at all.
    When the news leaked about a neck injury, I saw a comment on The Sun's FB by a middle aged black lady, who said indeed, that Gray was involved in an accident, but he was okay after attending physical therapy.

  11. "The question is why would the SA hire a disgraced BC officer?"

    I'm going to take a guess and say he's friend of her husband who is a city council member. This investigator she relied on was also caught downgrading crime to make it look like crime was going down in the city, according to a Baltimore Sun investigation. This would play well on the council one of who is her husband, who can then brag about reducing crime in the city.

  12. "The POLICE investigate OTHER police and, believe it or not, they don't find any wrongdoing on the part of the police!"

    The Task Force wasn't comprised of just police. It was comprised of professionals in other fields including doctors. To say that they are going to risk their careers and their reputations over this is nonsense and borderline paranoia.

  13. "Anonymous said...
    Don't bet on it. This is just another ridiculous "leak" by the Baltimore PD. Those cops killed that man. Justice will be served.

    May 8, 2015 at 10:18 AM"

    Don't fool yourself. If you don't think some of the leaks aren't coming from her own office then you are blind. They are probably just as disturbed as anyone else who is viewing this with an unbiased eye are.
    The disgraced BCP officer is the head of her Police Integrity Unit. No kidding. No wonder she fails to list his name on the Baltimore City State's Attorney's website.

  14. 9:44, Everyday I read numerous online editions of newspapers from throughout the nation. I regularly see police officers charged and convicted of crimes committed while on duty, and off.

  15. There is just no way in hell, any investigation could have been completed in 2 weeks. Gray died after being in the hospital for a week. Everyone from the officers involved, communications, EMS crew, shock trauma medical providers, etc etc needed to be interviewed. PD hasn't finished their investigation. No way SA could have done a complete investigation. Then the prudent thing to do, would be to compare results.
    It's coming out now, that in fact EMS was called prior to the van arriving at the Western District. Anyone familiar with BPD knows prisoners are taken to Central Booking.
    Call to EMS went out during one of the stops, contrary to Mosby's assertion that it wasn't. There was a bit of a mixup on the part of EMS, so an officer waited on the site to tell them to meet van at the Western District which was closer to U of MD Shock Trauma.

  16. 11:52... a DOCTOR said that Gray was placed in a van and was NOT paralyzed, but ended up that way from his own actions?
    Sounds like, to me, that doctor isn't that good at reasoning, observation, or impartiality.
    And, 11:34, I didn't get your point. Prosecutors are still STATE employees and yes, they lie, too. How does that "go both ways", unless we are talking about their lifestyle.....

  17. Mosby's off on the 2nd degree murder depraved heart charge.
    MD high court has ruled that in order for it to be applicable, the action has to have been a danger to more than one person and not one specific person targeted.
    Example would be dropping a cinder block off a balcony onto a crowded sidewalk and a passerby gets killed.
    She forgot to get that memo too.

  18. You've lost me 12:36. All we know for sure is what Mosby said. And that is sometime AFTER the 2nd stop, the fatal injury occurred.
    Now for a lesson on how ME's work. You find a body at the bottom of a 500ft cliff. It's clear the person died from injuries sustained during the fall.
    What's not clear is why they fell-accident, pushed, suicide.
    That's where the police and/or SA comes in. If they say they have witnesses that saw someone push the person off the cliff, then the death is determined to be a homicide.

  19. She played to her race, to try to appease a crowd of law breakers that would not care what the facts are in the case, as long as they got to destroy something in their mantra of "No justice no peace" crap and the false image of "black lives matter" because they enjoy killing themselves, be it by black on black violence, drugs, or domestic violence, they just take offence when the police step in to stop their rampage on society and happen to kill one of their own in the process, ONLY THEN, to them, do black lives THEN matter. Imbeciles.

  20. The leak about Avon Mackel had to come from someone inside the State's Attorneys office. The BPD wouldn't know who her "independent" was. She had the Baltimore county sheriff's office sign the forms.

  21. One word on the street is his voice box was damaged by the medics putting an air type trachia thing to help him breathe, and they also snapped his surgically fragile neck by tilting it back too far and original cause of death to make them perform this was the over dose of heroin he swallowed when he ran away so he wouldnt be caught. That's why the toxoligy reports show heroin and why is legs appeared broke upon arrest in the video, but they weren't broke. It was heroin OD. We won't know what real justice is until after court. Like anyone else, they have a right to defend themselves in court. I'm sure each side will have expert witnesse

  22. A lot of truth in the words on the streets. While being chased, the security videos so show Gray opening and entering a building, for a short period of time. He exits and runs right toward the bike cops.
    I did hear somewhere that the officers tried to make him spit out something in his mouth but he swallowed whatever it was.
    I think this is where this is going. Gray did have a previous neck injury.
    Officers knew he had swallowed something and because they didn't call EMS immediately, but instead placed him under arrest and into the van, without seat belt his prior injury was exacerbated.
    It's either that or Gray told the officers about his neck injury and they ignored him which from the officers point would be hard to belief because he did run several blocks.


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