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Sunday, May 10, 2015

An Interesting Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Civil forfeiture: You can’t make this stuff up":

ALL State Police will deny what I am about to say because they DO NOT want the public to know. They have a mode on their radar that they can set to determine how much ca$h every driver has in their vehicle as they pass by. Supposedly it's for finding illegal drug money. Someone that I know was stopped out on rt.50 around Cambridge as I remember (it's been about 20 years ago) The same kind of trumped up stop (improper lane change or lights out, I forget). The person is a well known local person. He has about 37k ca$h in his truck to buy a horse and didn't make the deal and was on his way back home. He confronted the officer mentioning the money gun and stating that he has a close relative in the MSP and wanted to see how close the gun came to the amount he was caring? Then the officer came clean, told him the amount that he had and was only off by a few dollars. This technology was developed in the mid to late eighties along with the tag reader technology on todays tags. Remember the strips in the paper currency in the eighties that could be pulled out? Now it's woven throughout each bill. You will NOT find any info about this on line because all L.E. and the federal gov. does not want the public to ever know. It's not much of a stretch to think what will happen after criminals get their hands on this technology and come to our homes. Cops will deny this exists but don't believe them, they're legally forced to deny it all.


  1. While this comment may seem outlandish, it does make me think about the new strips in our bills. Very interesting.

  2. Joe, don't be naive, EVERY THING IS TRACTABLE.... EVERY DAMN THING...

  3. I call BS. If this technology existed they would be using it at the border to confiscate drug proceeds headed south rather than money sniffing dogs.

  4. Cops do not have a "money gun"...but they do carry an active Idiot Detector. When it goes off, they ask if they can search the persons vehicle and the "idiot" always tells them "yes"...Finding all of that money has confused folks who have associated being an idiot with the discovery of ill gotten gains.

    I did not believe it myself, but the damn thing is tested with a "Ron Pagano" Tuning Fork to insure accuracy for idiots...right down to your last Washington!

  5. This has been a rumor since the "strips" first appeared in paper bills and is not true! Take it from someone with multiple connections to law enforcement from the local level to the highest levels of federal law enforcement. Be more worried about a real problem the agenda of the left to federalize the state and local police departments!

  6. Some people will believe anything, no matter how outlandish it is. You can't change them, you can't convince them, they are just basic idiots.....as is this money gun commenter.

  7. Anon 12:28 Exactly! Federliaztion of local police agencies is coming and we need to make the it go to referendum.

  8. I worked as a police officer in the eighties. I can tell you this is the first I have heard of this technology. If they had this, I would have know about it. If this did exist, it must have been only at the state or federal level.

  9. This is total bull crap. I have been stopping cars for 26 years this does not exist. Trust me I would have loved to have it. Yep we got flash lights that turn into guided missles lol

    Wow only on the Shore.

  10. what exactly is a "referendum" going to solve? the ruling class elites have not succumbed to the will of the people since WHEN?

  11. My bills are wrapped in Heavy Duty Reynolds tin foil!

    No one can see me from here...

  12. Oh please, somebody stick a new twenty in the microwave for twenty seconds and post here

  13. An interesting post , I'm sure with our technology it's possible.
    But why ? I can't think of a good reason , maybe some bad ones.
    Reminds me when they built the first atomic bomb. Just plain a$$ scary .

  14. So save me some time....what does a new twenty do in a microwave? I don't have one at the moment.

  15. I had a dream where sensors in a bridge I passed over detected drugs in my car.I honestly would never sell or transport drugs,but after the cops had taken my car apart piece by piece and arrested me I was damn glad to wake up.In my dream I was driving an old K-car and the sensors were in the Vienna Bridge.That's my contribution of crazy for tonight.


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