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Sunday, May 03, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was ‘banging against the walls’ during ride

BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.

The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.



  1. Breaking news!! Prisoner says he knows where Jimmy Hoppa is

  2. Joe this needs to go up again tomm morning again.

  3. NOW the truth comes out ,this means he was NOT PARALYSED getting into the van it is IMPOSSIBLE.

  4. And the cop pulled the van over 3 times due to freddie going nuts in the back DRUGS IN HIS SYSTEM? ??

  5. It's called the ghetto lottery. Banging yourself around while in custody in an attempt to injury yourself so you can claim police brutality and the PD throws you a couple of 1000 as a settlement.
    Quick look at judiciary shows the entire Gray family loves suing.

  6. Oh no doubt 10:37-He wasn't up at 8am because he was on his way to work
    I've been right about everything I've said so far about this on this site, so no doubt I will be correct and drugs will be found in his system.

  7. No he wasn't paralyzed when he got into the van. That was very apparent unless you are blind. He was passively resisting arrest.

  8. Yep 10:35 another false narrative kinda like the hands up don't shoot and Brown was shot in the back.
    He was intentionally dragging his legs and going limp for the same reason he ran-he wasn't going to cooperate.

  9. I think that severing your spin is a difficult thing to do on ones own. I would like to see an autopsy done. This new narrative 2 weeks later is to convenient and sounds scripted. Its like only listening to evidence that supports your argument.

    On another note I find it ironic that Freddie Gray's back ground damns him to being guilty of breaking his own neck. Yet every one of you is so ready to believe the word of another criminal, who did not see Freddie Gray, and had no way of knowing that it was Freddie Gray in the van with him. He just heard a bunch of noise made by someone he did not know. It could have been a prisoner having a seizure for all he knows.

    It shocks me that people are going to believe this.

  10. 11:02 PM how can you claim to be right about anything logged in anonymously.

    Drugs in his system. Next you will be saying the perp was black and claim you said it first.


  11. 10:37-Probably. I'll take it one step further and say he was an active addict, and he feared withdrawal (drug sick in steet slang) in jail.
    I've seen this before, where they attempt injury or do injure themselves. They want to be in the hospital where drugs are administered to help w/withdrawal.
    Hitting the "ghetto lottery" is another possibility.
    People around here don't realize what it's like in the inner cities of this nation. There is nothing like it around here-not just the crime and poverty, but the attitudes, the mentality etc etc-completely different world.

  12. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the cop pulled the van over 3 times due to freddie going nuts in the back DRUGS IN HIS SYSTEM? ??

    April 29, 2015 at 10:37 PM"

    If he was on heroin he could bang his head on the wall all day long and not feel it.

  13. 11:31 an autopsy was done and the family attorney was claiming they were going to have an independent autopsy done, whether they did their own or not is yet to be heard.
    As far as this being a "new narrative" that is incorrect. Since Day 1, it has been reported as being said by police officials that the other prisoner did hear Freddie throwing himself around in the van and the driver was not driving erratic. What's new w/this article is that the prisoner said he thought it was intentional and not a result of not being seat belted in or erratic driving.
    If Joe will allow me to post links, I will prove to you, in multiple media reports, that NO this is NOT a new narrative. In the meantime if you choose, google and read the articles from the days just after his death to see for yourself that you are wrong and I am right.

  14. "Yet every one of you is so ready to believe the word of another criminal,"

    LOL 11:31-I'm sure that criminal who said this is a huge supporter of the police.

  15. Look at poor me crowd.April 30, 2015 at 12:41 AM

    Drug thug criminal up ALL night drugging it up, poor cops keep going through this shit every other week trying to do there job with Obama sharpton welfare crowd Always inciting riots.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    NOW the truth comes out ,this means he was NOT PARALYSED getting into the van it is IMPOSSIBLE.

    April 29, 2015 at 10:35 PM

    no one ever said he was paralysed when he entered the van. even if it is true he was banging himself in the van, why did they still not secure him in seat belts and other restraints?

    they stopped the van three times while in transport. the other prisoner could not see what the banging was.

    have all of you forgotten all the killings the police have done over the years? not only people but their pets?

    and continues still. this is just one instance.

  17. Why do we care? It's just another drug dealing welfare tit thug off the street and off the taxpayer payroll.
    Tired of hearing about these poor "victims"
    Good riddance.

  18. "It shocks me that people are going to believe this."

    It nauseates me that you will ignore the facts to advance your racist agenda.

  19. Yes, man banged his head repeatedly until his larynx is crushed and spine severed. Yep, makes perfect sense. A bunch of top notch internet docs on this board. You guys should be at Johns Hopkins, not wasting your skills in The Berry.

  20. Truth, what truth--we trust the medical examiner for decades--but for this case we need to get a different one---because the truth isn't convenient to their political and legal lawsuits....

    pathetic, and they wonder why they are homeless, in poverty, uneducated and living in squalor

  21. "Prisoner in van got his charges dropped" after signing that statement.

  22. "no one ever said he was paralysed when he entered the van. even if it is true he was banging himself in the van, why did they still not secure him in seat belts and other restraints?"

    Well actually a lot of people were saying he was paralyzed or his leg was broken or he was tased, none of which turns out to be correct.
    They did stop an in an attempt to restrain him by putting on leg restraints.
    It is my understanding that the seat belt policy has exceptions because the compartments they are transported in can only fit one other person in them and if someone is flailing and thrashing around it's impossible or can be impossible to place the belt on them.
    I did read that the bulk of the type of injuries that Freddie received come from falls and falling on the hard edge of something (like the metal seat in the van) could fracture both his larynx and the neck bones.

  23. 10:28 PM - So do I, WBOC

  24. It is my understanding that the seat belt policy has exceptions because the compartments they are transported in can only fit one other person in them and if someone is flailing and thrashing around it's impossible or can be impossible to place the belt on them.
    I did read that the bulk of the type of injuries that Freddie received come from falls and falling on the hard edge of something (like the metal seat in the van) could fracture both his larynx and the neck bones.

    April 30, 2015 at 8:01 AM

    as quick as they are to tase someone, you think it would be impossible to put a seat belt on somebody? admin cops have already stated policy was not followed regarding belts. and then there is hog tying.

  25. They've been pulling the ghetto lottery crap since the 70's. A lot of that city's streets are quiet during the day, but when a city bus would get in an accident, even a fender bender they would come out of the woodwork, some punching themselves in the face in an attempt to draw blood, running and jump on the bus say they were injured and put in a claim with the city. Finally sometime in the 70's the city began a policy, that stated when a city bus was in an accident, the drivers were to lock the doors immediately if possible.
    Even back then there were parts of the city where fire/ems couldn't go safely without a police escort so when I saw them slice the hose at the CVS fire I wasn't one bit shocked. That's just what they do there and have been doing for generations.

  26. Baltimore went downhill after the 68 riots. They got an inch and they took miles.
    If a kid wanted to buy lunch or it was Pizza or Hotdog day at school, your mother would either have to give you extra money so when you got accosted you could hand that over and you hid your lunch money in your shoe because not carrying a lunch box was a clue that you had some money on you to buy lunch and you were robbed. Some carried an empty lunch box to fool the thugs. This was in the 1970's.


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