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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Women in Combat? Well, Maybe Not.

A female infantry experiment implemented by the Obama administration has come to a close without the results many wanted to see.

The Marine Corps Times reports, “The two-and-a-half year period in which the Marine Corps' Infantry Officer Course became gender-integrated for research will end without a single female graduate.

The final iteration of IOC to accept female Marines on a volunteer basis began April 2 with two female participants. One was a volunteer and one was a member of the newly integrated ground intelligence track. Both were dropped that same day during the grueling initial "Combat Endurance Test.”

All told, 27 women volunteered alongside two other mandatory participants — well short of the Corps goal of 100 — and all failed to pass the entirety of the course. As for the program’s future, the Pentagon will have the final say.



  1. Good ,they don't belong on the front line.

  2. G.I. Jane was a movie! Real world is women can't do what men do . exception is those freak chicks on the juice.

  3. In case some of our population has not noticed, women are built a lot differently than men...

  4. told ya. women are weaker than men. its common knowledge and straight biology.

  5. I'm surprised at least one of the women didn't finish.

  6. hillary clinton could pass shes built like a tank

  7. I'm female, and I know It's basic physiology. Men have the muscle strength over women. Although this means they can't function at the level required in certain units hauling around and operating machinery over a certain size, I still think they should be able to fight, using weapons and equipment that are better matched to their size and strength.

    After all, if a jihadi is killed by a female soldier, he doesn't die a "martyr" and doesn't get any "virgins". And if she happens to be menstruating when she offs him, he doesn't even go to heaven.

    I say, attach a cotton string to the end of the shell, pack them in tampon boxes, and let them decide whether it's worth it to be deaded by a woman.

    1. OK Missy. Let's give you a 9mm and turn you loose on the front lines. Wtf are you thinking?

    2. A 9mm is not an effective front line weapon. I couldn't handle some of the big mortars and armament, I'm not built for it. That's just nature. But I could certainly handle something smaller, perhaps as part of a team providing cover for the big guys. Women might have trouble carrying a 220lb man to safety, but we could manage to carry another 135lb woman if need be.

      When the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us, I'll be vaporizing ghouls with whatever I have to.

  8. I'm thinking that halfway up the mountain, carrying her (adjusted for gender) 45lb pack, her unit takes fire and her buddy with the .50 cal is wounded and out in the open.
    He only weighs 215 pounds and can't be "adjusted" to make sure she can drag him to safety. He dies.
    Now, another soldier runs out to get the .50 and HE gets shot. But she's living her "dream"!!
    WAR DECIDES what weapons you carry -- not which ones are "better matched to their size and strength".
    Don't let your "dream" (I wanna be a soldier! I wanna be a police officer! I wanna be a firefighter!) be the cause of someone's death merely to satisfy your selfish desire to do something that you cannot.

  9. sexist pigs! change the rules so women have a fair chance.

  10. The days of the foot soldier will soon be over. RECON teams are going to be the only ones on the ground. Drones, missiles, helicopters and jets will be doing the wet work.

  11. Wow, the sexist comments are really amazing on here. In case you guys aren't aware, there are entire squads of Kurdish Iraqi women fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Female Russian snipers in WW2 were praised for their ability, many on par and some more lethal than many male counterparts. Because when it's about your life, your family, your home, you fight. The ignorance on display in these comments is sad.

    1. And they're loosing. Its a desperate move. We aren't those countries! However you women will get your time to fight. Civil war is coming.


  12. Here's the scoop...despite the fervent wishes of the administration the women who attempted to qualify (and we salute their spirit) all failed to finish.

    The next step in the Democrat playbook is to lower the standards in pursuit of PC theory. That's when the good guys start getting hurt by well intended folks who can't carry the load.

    Or, Kerry can negotiate another phony 'feel good' agreement so the bad guys will make adjustments so as not to take advantage of our lessened prowess.

    Since Hillary, the Amazon warrior princess, was under fire in Serbia, I'm betting on lowered standards in pursuit of PC!

    Have no issue with folks doing jobs they can qualify for; these requirements were installed to keep our folks safe, not to keep gals out.

  13. 9:37 And that's the bottom line: anyone should be permitted to do a job they qualify for, in the interest of keeping folks safe.

    7:57 totally gets it.

  14. 7:57...you watch or play too many video's or watch too many TV war shows. When the 215lb guy goes down, what are you gonna do? Ask if there's a woman who weighs 135 that needs saving?? LOL! If that isn't some liberal daydream, I've never seen one.
    In war, in battle, you don't get to decide if you can do the job that doesn't need lots of strength.
    It ain't no office party where you get to pick what dish you'll bring and its not the Girl Scouts deciding who will be the camp leader.
    Its carrying supplies and weapons that you and your buddies will be using to stay alive. You don't get to say "I can't pick it up! Can I get something not so heavy??". Or worse, "Can y'all slow up some! I can't run like you guys with all this equipment!", as the unit tries to retreat from an attack.
    The truth is (I know it hurts) is that unless concessions are made for their size and strength, women cannot cut it in combat infantry roles.
    That's not sexist. That's the truth and the evidence is clear.

  15. "can you get this pickle jar open for me dear?"


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