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Sunday, April 19, 2015


The County entered into discussions with the City last year utilizing the services of the Bosserman Center for Conflict resolution. Subsequent to the first meeting, the mayor refused to honor the city’s longstanding agreement to provide first response to the airport in the event of a declared emergency. This jeopardized the airport’s FAA certification and the County moved quickly to replace Salisbury with Parsonsburg. Given that sort of reckless behavior, discussions ceased. 

The fire service agreement has a long history of cooperation between the city and the county... decades of mutual support and a recognition that each must do its part to provide adequate core services to our community. 

The city and volunteer fire companies have periodically reviewed fire safety districts and have crafted binding mutual aid agreements focused on providing the highest level of public safety response . . . the mayor now threatens to violate those agreements... agreements made by those professionals who can best design our emergency response system. 

Notwithstanding the Mayor’s arbitrary demands and timelines, County staff has been undertaking its own review and analysis of fire and Emergency Service. When the County feels that it has completed a thorough, factual investigation, review and analysis we will issue further statements as to our position. 

In the meantime, as County Executive, I will not allow the safety of the public to be jeopardized and I will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that our citizens are protected.


  1. F Salisbury give it to Parsonsburg bunch of USEFUL idiots are running Salisbury...they screwed up a perfectly adequate volunteer service ..after they raped pillaged and plundered their funds they placed their lips on the federal teat and now the fools have to pay the piper tuff fecal matter..NO MORE WICOMICO TAX DOLLARS FOR YOU SALISBURY you blew your wad..a fruitland resident

  2. Ireton is toast come November and she knows it.

  3. Stop all ff volunteering.

  4. How about having the volunteers at Salisbury take their money and equipment they have bought and give them their own station. NOT controlled by the City.
    I bet the chief would really be upset if he can't get money from the volunteers.

  5. Understand that Ireton has stolen Salisbury volunteer fire department funds. I believe there is quite an amount at the Community Foundation that was left to the volunteers - not the city. Also retirement funds were set up under the days of Paul Martin - a real mayor. The Salisbury fire department had some of its finest moments under the leadership of Chief Francis Darling and first ever volunteer Deputy Chief Tony Sterling. They had the support of Henry Parker and Richard Henson who paid for uniforms for the volunteers when Station One was founded. There was respect for the volunteers and the contribution they made. Bob Eaton, then City attorney, and Mike Eusebio from Avery Hall Insurance along with Martin, Parker and Sterling saw that the volunteers had a retirement program for their many hours of selfless service to this county. Martin, Parker and Sterling are turning over in their graves over the dishonor being done to the Salisbury Fire Department and especially the volunteers. Ireton is a disgrace to his office.

  6. Thanks, Mr. Culver, for sanity vs. hissy fits.

  7. Stop all wso calls in city limits.

  8. Ireton is nothing more than a a drama queen. Salisbury is a joke with him as the face of the city..he has brought western shore liberalism to the most conservative part of Maryland..

  9. I'm sure Culver's views on some WCBOE issues are not influencing the mayor's actions. I know the mayor would not put the city in jeopardy just to pander to his employer.

  10. Jim has forgotten from whence fire departments throughout this county came. These departments were formed by volunteers. Hard working men and women who came together for the sole purpose of providing their fellow citizens with services that would save property and lives. Men and women with a sense of duty committed to public service. These departments have become one of the three major hubs of all eastern shore communities - right there with schools and churches. You see Jim, when you decided to use the Salisbury Fire Department as leverage against the county to force a tax differential you forgot one important fact. The Fire Department doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the people. You may be able to flex your executive muscle and control the equipment but you can't control the people and the people make up the department. If you actually take steps to prohibit these men and women from taking that equipment out of the city, they will disobey your orders to save lives. What will you do? Fire them? All of them? I don't think so.There is no way you will recover from this. The county would be wise to cut all fire/EMS funding to the city and focus on raising the necessary funding to build and equip other fire departments and /or fund existing fire departments to handle everything outside the city. Then the citizens of Salisbury can place the blame for the impending Fire/EMS deficiency in the city where it belongs. Squarely on your rounded, feminine shoulders. Maybe then the citizens will get off thier collective asses and march on City Hall with ptichforks and torches demanding your resignation.

  11. I think you really want to just slam Ireton...but really the agreement between the city and county should be renewed with something that benefits the majority. My city taxes that are paid for city services, i.e. Fire and EMS I want to stay in the city. I don't see the county folks disputing the mayors claims...lets get the situation in writing and move on! Calm heads need to prevail, not these stick pokers.

  12. He's going to call this card where he admits he'd let people die in a fire? Let him run with that and give him nothing. Bluff called.

  13. Really 11:07....oh I mean Jim

  14. I guess we should stop the Wicomico County Sheriffs calls in the city. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

  15. Jim is like a little girl who doesn't get what she wants and throws a temper tantrum. The citizens of Salisbury deserve what they get.... Just like those who voted for Obama.

  16. Speaking as a city taxpayer who did not vote for Ireton, please know that my wife and I are ashamed, embarrassed, and angry about our mayor's policies, tactics and behavior.

    Having said that, if you can possibly ignore the mayor's silly grandstanding, we ARE double taxed for emergency services. We believe that a more equitable agreement should be ironed out.

    Having said THAT, we also firmly believe that if any agreement is ironed out, we the city taxpayers will see no tax relief as a result. The mayor will give it away to some liberal scheme doomed to yet another failure.

    Alas, such is life in the big city led by this fool.

  17. Hey joe why dont you go to these mayor meetings anymore gas to expensive on the truck.lol

  18. Parsonsburg is too far but at least they know what they are doing. Couldn't ask for a better department to step up. I just hope it is temporary.


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