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Sunday, April 19, 2015


Rick Pollitt's Residence
 Lee Beachump's Residence

You know, like the Solar Panels that were recently installed by SOLAR CITY on Waller Road at the Transfer Station. 

OK, so perhaps you're a bit confused at this point. Well, Solar City installed the massive project on Waller Road. What you DON'T see in the first two images are the BRAND NEW Solar Panels on the ROOF of Rick Pollitt and Lee Beachump's homes, ONLY because Google hasn't done a recent update on their properties. 

HOWEVER, I encourage ALL of you to not only look up their addresses but strongly recommend that you take a ride to BOTH of their homes to see the brand new solar panels that this very same company conveniently installed on their personal homes. 

In fact, take a picture and send it to us and we'll update the article to show how nice they look. 

You see Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS is what you won't get from the rest of your local media. Heck, you have to wonder if Rick had been reelected, would he have an incinerator installed in his back yard too?

I'm calling for a FORMAL investigation by County Executive Bob Culver and our States Attorney Matt Maciarello to assure us taxpayers these residential Solar Panels are on the up and up. I want to see FAIR pricing, FAIR financial arrangements, (if at all) and no favoritism or I want charges filed against BOTH these men. 

Heck, as much money as I have, even I don't have solar panels on ANY of my properties. SOMETHING STINKS REALLY BAD HERE!

UPDATE: We're being told that former County Executive Rick Pollitt may NOT have solar panels on his roof. While we have three reliable sources who did state he does have them on his property, they may be wrong. We'll keep you updated. 


  1. Man Joe, you are really scum. Harass people much?

  2. 7:33, I'm "scum" because I'm calling out a public official who conveniently has solar panels on his home as well as the department head who spearheaded the project?

    No, I'd say I'm a PATRIOT and a TAXPAYER who deserves the right to know, did THEY pay retail just like YOU or I would have been forced to do?

    No, I don't want to see an invoice. I want to see the payment in FULL.

  3. Since Pollitt was elected to office one has to wonder what's been going on at his Ocean City property also. He's a slick one.

  4. Pollitt is broke as a joke. All of his vehicles are junk. Makes me wonder how he got the panels, when he has trouble paying his bills.

  5. Oh please 7:33. If these panels were installed for the same price as everyone else get them, then the parties and the business would be more than willing to and would produce immediately the paperwork.
    In case you have forgotten, let me remind you, so listen and listen up good-you hear. -Both the parties involved are/were public servants-You got it. Public servants and the tax payers have EVER right in the world to question each and everything they do and if they don't like it then they need to get the hell out of the public sector.
    In no way shape or form nor by anyone's stretch of the imagination can questioning this in light of the transfer station panels be construed as harassment AND the only way anyone would think it's harassment is if they have something to hide. It's real simple-
    The ball is now in their court. Produce or shut up and endure the speculation.

  6. Mortgage history past and current can be found on MDLandRec.net

  7. Pollitt would not spend a dime he is a cheap bastard i bet it was a good ole boy deal you give me a contract i give you free solar ,dig into the contractor and the county contract its there.

  8. Would love to see both of them in handcuffs and culver should do a investigation.

  9. Maybe one of those "One for the county, one for me. One for the county one for you" type of deals. Produce the documentation and the speculation will end.

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these solar panels installed at no out of pocket costs? The Solar company installs them for free but you sign over the rights to the extra power sold back to the electric company. Right?

  11. Nothing will be done! The people of Pittsville were assured something would be done about the theft of six figures in town funds through various means by the President of the Council's daughter a year ago. They are stll waiting for our State's Attorney. In the meantime the unemployed daughter is still adding to her toy collection. It seems that if you steal government funds there is no accountability.

  12. "Slick Rick" Need I say more.

  13. Renewable energy companies have a bad reputation for making shady deals that benefit a few while costing everyone else. Electricity rates rise for everyone else. MD's renewable mandate needs to be scrapped or else we will all be paying $800 for $200 worth of energy each month.

  14. 8:00. The "EQUIPMENT" is not installed for free. In fact, here's how it works as described by a former Solar City employee.

    I once tried to be a salesperson for Solar City. They pay a $400 commission on each sale. The way it works, it costs the resident $0 to have the equipment installed. The electricity the panels produce is sold to the resident at a lower rate than the power company, so in aggregate, the resident’s overall electric bill(s) is lower than if the panels were not there. Solar City owns the panels for 20 years, then takes them back. The resident is told that in 20 years, they will be able to get new panels again with the same deal, but who knows. Before the install, of course, you’ll need roofing that will last 20 years or better.

    Everyone I approached with that deal looked at me like I had 2 heads, and thought it was some sort of scam. I went zero for twenty and quit trying…

  15. 8:00. You are correct. Solar city will install panels on your home for free. You will then by power from them at a discounted rate for a contracted amount of time. They also get all the rebates and incentives

  16. Anon 7:53 You are an idiot and more important probably a vote for Clinton!

  17. I look at the timing.

    It seems to me that an investigation should take place as both of these men clearly have some kind of advantage here or they would have had solar panels up long ago.

  18. You have no proof of anything. Plenty of people are having solar panels installed on their homes. Pollitt is a private citizen and you are an idiot. None of your f'ing business and you are entitled to nothing. You are scum.

  19. I had multiple conversations with them - they are hard-pressure sell...with an emotional product!

    I did the math and came back at them with my numbers and they quit talking to me. My response was a lower per kwh rate and I keep the equipment at the end of the deal - and I had the numbers to back it up!

  20. Beauchamp was let go from the county in a good move by Culver. We that worked with him know why. Culver did him a favor not to reveal the real reason. Culver took a lot of unfair heat for firing Beauchamp.

    It would not be shocking at all if he got solar panels in some shady deal.

    Culver still has a lot to clean up.

    BTW I am off today and not posting on county time. Some of you will complain about that.

  21. The other part of the story is the solar panels do not work. The county does not have the funds to wire them into the grid. Seems like a typical government project and all done by a kid who had no business being the director.

  22. To the haters who keep sending in nasty comments, let me say this.

    FUNNY how I'm such a BAD GUY when I expose something like this on a Liberal, for example. Yeah, you guys get all ticked off and make me out to be the Anti Christ.

    HOWEVER, IF I had done a similar story about let's say Bob Culver, well, I'd be a HERO to the very same people that make me out to be the Anti Christ.

    You people need to realize, you screw the taxpayer, right wing, left wing, I don't care, I'm coming after you.

  23. I hope you can get this deal investigated and if things are up and up you will post such. I appreciate your attempting to reveal wrong doings. Thanks.

  24. Good job, this is the kind of stuff that makes you the best Joe. Frankly, you are the only one that keeps our elected officials a little bit honest, without you we would all be doomed.

  25. Look around you and you will notice that nobody uses their own money to pay for these things. It's fire departments, public buildings, etc. Individuals obviously have an interesting story to tell how they got theirs.

  26. Solar city do not install panels for free on residences. You finance the panels and the installation over 20 years and the reduction in your electric bill is supposed to offset the payment.

  27. 9:27 you are so right. Good move by Culver to rid the county of that kid. It is also time for Matt Holloway to grow up and get over it instead of acting like a kid himself and holding it against Culver.

  28. follow the money, then do nothing as usual. politicians/talking heads stuffing their pockets as fast as they can

  29. LOL. Well with all their defenders trying to turn this problem back on Joe then it must be true.
    That's what a guilty party does.
    Someone who is not guilty has defenders that say what upstanding public servants the people are, honest to a fault, would never do anything like that........

  30. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have no proof of anything. Plenty of people are having solar panels installed on their homes. Pollitt is a private citizen and you are an idiot. None of your f'ing business and you are entitled to nothing. You are scum.

    April 17, 2015 at 9:03 AM"

    In case you have forgotten Pollitt was not a private citizen for years so people not only have the right but will question what he's done.
    If he doesn't like that then too bad.
    He should have thought about that before he decided to suck off the public teat. It comes with the territory and don't you dare ever ever forget it-You got it.

  31. Sonmething stinks real bad, like a dead RAT

  32. Did Pollitt get the position in Crisfield?

  33. Joe,
    Public officials NEED to have their feet to the fire.
    We, as a country, have failed to do that for a good while and it shows at every level.
    KEEP questioning EVERYTHING. You are doing a great service for "we, the people".
    How can you tell?
    By the screaming done by the ones who's feet are burning and rightly so.
    Pip pip and all that.

  34. Keep up the good work Joe these libtards have know idea how to deal with someone they can't intimidate! Funny when you back them in the corn same old M.O. beat up, character assassinate & LIE! LIE!

  35. What 10:21 said though I would like to add you don't have to finance and can pay in full.

  36. I heard they are in his back yard.

  37. Do people really pay for those? Mine are getting installed for free, you just pay a monthly rate, way lower than Delmarva Power. My friend did the same, his whole roof covered for no cost.

  38. 9:27 What do you mean when you say the panels are not hooked up???? Why are they not hooked up if so??? All the money invested and they are not hooked up???? Isn't that tax payers money?????? Who made that deal????? Please tell me more. Joe ...please get to the bottom of this because this is the second time I've heard this. Is it true???

  39. Joe - thanks for always bringing things to our attention.

    As for the haters - if you hate Joe and what he stands for so much - why do you read his blog? If you don't like it, then don't read it or do you just like to spread hateful comments around - what does that say about you.

    Joe - Keep up the good work!!

  40. We keep hearing how upset people are about Beauchamp getting fired. There are employees who know the truth. He switched numbers that were presented to the county council. The way I was raised, that is a LIE. He put other employees in very bad positions because he was the boss. He kept some of them afraid for there jobs. Culver did the right thing. The council, particularly that Holloway boy who is best friends with Beauchamp, should show more respect to the Executive. I don't get why when someone has done wrong, they are protected by bogus HR rules.

  41. 1:04. The panels are not hooked up and do not work currently. They are doing nothing but collecting dust and looking like a lawn ornament. The bigger story is who the genius is that spent all the money only to find out in the end there was not enough money for the final piece which is critical in actually using the panels. This entire thing is a poster child for a kid director jumping in head first into something that he had no clue about and spending others money with no accountability. Thank god he did not build that green power plant at the dump.

  42. Reading these comments about Beauchamp, I would like the council to explain why they are so upset about him being fired. Sounds like it was a bad appointment to department head in the first place. They should have supported this move by Culver.

    This council is such a disappointment, starting at the top with Cannon. Joe Holloway and sometimes Marc Kilmer are the only ones looking out for the taxpayers. If Cannon was any kind of a leader, he would do something about Creamer. Double dipping drinker who needs to go home for good. The clerk or whatever she is, dresses and acts inappropriately in council meetings as seen on PAC 14. Understand from employees in GOB that she has issues and gets special treatment from Creamer and Morris. Law suits waiting to happen. Grow a pair Cannon. You think you want higher office? LOL - you can't take care of the one you've got now.

  43. 12:30 What company did you go through because I have a feeling you are lying since you didn't offer up immediately where people can get these "free" panels?

    1. He's a salesmans dream. His "monthly rate" is the 20 year financing on the "free" panels.

  44. Fire strausburg now bob.

  45. 1:57 completely agree. Creamer and the council assistant are the talk of the GOB. Cannon brought Creamer back from retirement the first time he was council president, so how dumb is he? As far as the assistant, they need to be adding random drug testing to the employee manual. They would catch quite a few in many departments. It is about time this county gets with the times and stop acting like country bumpkins. Cannon, what are you made of? Are you a professional or just a slick version of a good ole boy?

  46. To the person who keeps posting Wayne S. need to be fired, Sharon Morris needs to go too. She has been promoted over her head and meddles in things that are none of her business. On top of that, she resents any woman who has a management position. Probably because it will prove just how uneducated and incompetent she is. Thank Matt Creamer for that one. They all need to leave hand in hand. ROFLMAO

  47. Cannon is so focused on his target Culver he doesn't have time to take care of Creamer and the girl.

  48. Sounds like poor planning...outright FAIL on the part of whoever did the engineering site survey as well as whoever signed off on the final design of the system, if it could not even be hooked up to the grid for whatever reason.

    But seriously, this is scraping bottom for dirt, and coming up empty. If Solar City designed the transfer station project and neglected to lay out the interconnection plan, then that's on them. Quite possibly they thought it was a great idea and signed up for it themselves at their private residences.

    Which is nobody's business but their own.

    I don't care what kind of "public figure"' someone is, at the end of the day they go home. And that's as far as being a "public figure" 'goes.

    This is not the kind of blog post I expected to see here.

  49. Solar is everybody business because taxpayers are paying for its installation and electric ratepayers are paying higher rates to offset the savings to the producer. NO JOKE.

  50. 3:38 To me this speaks to the bigger issues that have plagued Wicomico county government for years. Back room deals. Favored contractors. Special rules for upper management. Abuse of take home cars. Abuse of tax dollars (meals & entertainment). Not that many find this post unbelievable. The sad fact is, it is VERY believable.

    We, the taxpayers, have been dealing with a very sick and some would say corrupt government culture for years. Culver is the first person with the backbone to try and do something about it. The lame, go-along council certainly isn't. They are disgraceful in their lack of support for the Executive and the will of the MAJORITY of the people.

    Culver is taking heat in the press, but he has the support of the majority, which main stream media DOES NOT REPRESENT.

    My biggest fear is that the blood suckers still in government will do Culver in. They are certainly trying.

    He needs to rid himself of Strausburg and Morris if he wants to survive. Cannon and the Council need to rid the county of Creamer. He is a dinosaur. He is nothing but an albatross around our necks. My guess is Cannon doesn't have the self confidence to function without Creamer telling him what to do. He needs to be more like Culver and stand up for the people. Or, is it only about Cannon's self interests?

  51. There is a home on River Road in Marion Station, MD where More than a dozen mature trees have been chopped down so the property owner could install solar panels on his roof. Trees are natures way of converting CO2 into oxygen.
    This is all about money pure and simple.

  52. 4:56 Actually, photosynthesis is nature's way of converting CO2 into diatomic oxygen (02). Trees are certainly a part of it, but also certainly a relatively small part; especially around here. Oceanic algae alone account for 75%+ of the world's O2 production. The CO2 reduction that accompanies residential conversion to solar far outweighs any loss due to harvesting of a dozen or so trees.

  53. I'll tell you something else that Solar City is holding out telling you. They'll install the solar panels on your roof for free - an then charge you a slightly reduced rate for the electricity generation - but here is the kicker.

    You know the SRECs - (solar renewable energy credits) - Solar City keeps them and you get NADA!. That's right - they turn around and sell them on the open market for about $150 - $200 per SREC or per 1000 kilowatt hours. This is how they are making their money.

    Check out the going MD SREC rate yourself - www.srectrade.com

  54. And where does the money for SRECs come from? Ding ding! Its ALL taxpayer money. So in reality who pays for SRECS? Think about it, do the math, and what you come up with is the people paying the bills on solar is the taxpayer. If pollitt has solar, his electric bill is being paid for by his neighbors who don't. The entire system was designed to make the people who DID NOT adopt solar, poorer than those who do. Talk about the definition of a story the msm wouldn't touch.

  55. I am thinking of getting the panels from Solar City. They put the panels on your roof at no cost, maintain them as well as insure them. The electric you produce is stored on the grid and you use it as you Need it. You get 2 bills every month one from Solar City and one from your provider. In my case DP&L charges 14.7 cents per kilowatt hour. SOLAR CITY charges 10.6 cents per kilowatt hour. Where is the benefit for SLAR CITY is they get big tax breaks for supplYing green energy as well as you agree to keep the panels for 20 years. I know of no way you could obtain these panels unscrupulously. I'm not a Rick Pollitt fan but I'm just sayin'.

  56. Green energy just making a few rich people richer not making the planet any cleaner.

  57. Solar energy costs taxpayers and electric ratepayers a bundle. As more panels are installed, our bills rise. Electricity suppliers are forced to incorporate solar into the grid, making conventional electric sources less efficient and more expensive. So electric ratepayers receive a double whammy.


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