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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

The 5 Dumbest Ideas That Have Taken Root In America

Humans are extremely adaptable creatures; so we tend to quickly acclimate ourselves to our circumstances until they become the “new normal.” However, sometimes when you have a hole in the bottom of your boat, it’s a better idea to try to address it than to just keep bailing water all day long. For example, here in America we seem to believe that…

1) The only religion it’s okay to mock is the most popular one, Christianity: Roughly 80% of Americans are Christian; yet which religion is openly mocked by Hollywood and the mainstream media? Is it Judaism? No, that would be anti-Semitic. Is it Islam? No, those guys might kill you. Is it Hinduism or Buddhism? No, there aren’t enough of them around to draw notice. Ninety five percent of the attacks on religion in America are against the faith held by the majority of the people who sadly are a little too inclined to turn the other cheek to put a stop to it. All major religions deserve to be treated with a modicum of respect and that’s doubly true for Christianity since this nation was founded and shaped by Christians seeking religious freedom. If Christians don’t demand respect, no one should be surprised when they don’t get it.

2) Diversity is all about skin color: A lot of people would tell you that Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, John Kerry, Dan Savage and Luis Gutierrez all together would be a “diverse” group. Well, what’s so diverse about five people who say the same things, think the same things and march in lockstep on every issue? The only real value of diversity is that it interjects new ways of thinking about and approaching a problem. If you take that away, diversity is meaningless and may even do more harm than good. If you don’t have diversity of thought, then you don’t have diversity.

Once again, you can read it all here.

1 comment:

  1. All a sign of the times. Many Christians don't speak up in order to "keep the peace." And look at what has happened. But it's all supposed to happen. Look it up in the Book.


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