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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Surprise! Obama slams Christians during prayer breakfast

You’d think if there was the president could show a little unity, it would be a prayer breakfast. Nope. He managed to slam Christians with his comments. It’s so, so bad.

“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned. But that’s a topic for another day,” Obama said.

“Slamming Christians at his prayer breakfast,” Glenn said.

“Seriously when he wants to say something nice about Christians, it’s hollow and lifeless and emotionless. When he wants to bash them, he’s excited, he’s smiling, he’s laughing. It’s so clear about how he actually feels about these things. He can’t hide it anymore,” Stu said.



  1. Non Christians all talk and think just like he does so why listen to anything he has to say. Christians know how to love and turn the other cheek, this guy just has so much hatred for Americans and Christians, he just cannot even pretend very good, but he sure can lie.

  2. That's because he is a Muslim. That is why he will not say Islamic radicals or anything bad about Islam being responsible for senseless deaths and beheading.

  3. POTUS - Pinnocio of the United States.

  4. He makes me sick! I can't wait for him to be gone. He has done nothing positive for the hard working Americans. NOTHING!

  5. A$$! That is the most loving thing i can say about him

  6. He hates my country, and everything it stands for.

  7. Even Jesus got angry with the money changers in the temple courtyard and had a few words to say to them as he turned over their tables.


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