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Friday, April 17, 2015

Police dashcam video shows moment Arizona cop crashes into armed man

Shocking police dashcam footage has emerged showing an Arizona cop speeding down a road, mounting a sidewalk and smashing into an alleged armed robber in a supposed bid to capture him.

In the two videos, Mario Valencia is captured walking along a street in Marana, northwest of Tucson, carrying what appears to be a rifle. He points the loaded weapon into the air and a shot rings out.

A police officer in one of the patrol cars says: 'One round just went out. He's definitely loaded.' He then tells his colleague, Officer Michael Rapiejko, in the other vehicle: 'Stand off, the gun is loaded.'

But apparently ignoring his advice, Rapiejko overtakes the officer's car, before speeding straight toward Valencia. Seconds later, his vehicle mounts the curb and smashes into the suspect's body.




  1. Reviewed both videos - strong work! Potentially saved an innocent persons life....and actually ended up saving that if the suspect. Let's not hear a bunch of whiners cry about how this was an unnecessary use of force. Hey....maybe the officer should have gotten out and shot him in the leg. Remember what Winston Churchill said. "We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf." Remember folks. Police work is a contact sport. Sometimes they have to use violence against those who commit crimes in order to save the lives of the innocent. Deadly force was justified. The SCOTUS has found that deadly force is deadly force. Once justified it doesn't matter if you strike in the head with a bat or use a LAWS rocket. Deadly force is deadly force. Situation was brought under control. I would say this. The officer had balls to do what he knew to be right in spite of the fact that he would likely be judged in the court of public opinion with all the anti-police sentiment going on in this country today. Everyday law enforcement face a job where the deck is increasingly stacked against them. What would all of you had said if these officers had done nothing but follow this guy and attempt to encircle him and then this guy had fired a round that killed an innocent kid? Would you have blamed them for not doing enough? Remember, it's easy to sit in our comfy chairs in the safety of our warm homes second guessing those who are faced with making decisions that will potentially affect the lives of many. Those of you who bitch and moan about...."he should have done this" or "he should not have done that" should try doing what they do for one week.

    1. Strong work. That's right officer. Strong murder. Told to stand down. Ignores orders. Completely disregards the safety of others to get this one guy . he could've wrecked into a house. A kid could've been hiding behind the vehicle and tree. So many ways the police train to handle this. And this wasn't one of them. Strong work officer. Just do what you want. As usual it will be justified.

    2. Remember your Churchill quote officer when the rough men you speak off takes your life one day as they fight to regain our country from the tryant grasp of people like yourself. All roads are two way streets no matter how its labelled.

  2. 8:46 give it a rest ok? nobody cries about a bad guy being taken out. Where the public gets upset is when you kops can't identify the good from the bad and take out babies, moms dads daughters sons and the family dog all because you were afraid. Now get back in your cruiser and continue generating revenue for the state/town like a good little slave!

  3. 8:56....again......try it for a week. And think about what you said. EVERYONE falls into at least one of the categories you mention - and fear is a normal reaction to most violent situations. It results from the release of adrenaline - commonly known as the fight or flight syndrome. Police officers don't have the flight option.

    1. This was not fear. The killer cop was behind another cop and speed around ignoring orders to stand down. The one cop was shocked and in disbelief. Even his counter part was sickened. Yet you officers here call that good work. Strong work. Says a lot about our local police.

  4. Great job, should have backed over him a few times also!


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