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Friday, April 17, 2015

Man wearing Army uniform accused of Stolen Valor in tense standoff

A dramatic confrontation between an alleged Army impostor and a bystander in Florida has been caught on video.

Eric Coins, who was drinking in the city of Sunrise posted the video to YouTube accusing the man of wearing the uniform to get free drinks and meet women.

The stand-off between the two men almost comes to blows as Coins tells the man: 'There are people who f****** die in that uniform.'

In the footage, a young man is seen on camera asking the alleged fake service member, a series of questions including where he did his basic and boot camp training.

The man apparently says he did his basic training in North Carolina. The young man is then heard saying basic training is conducted in Fort Benning, Georgia and not Miami.



  1. The guy keeps asking to see his Geneva Convention I.D. card. Only medical personnel, chaplains and chaplains's assistants get to carry one. Maybe he meant his military I.D., which is to always be carried by military members.
    A year in jail sounds about right, or a year of community service with a sign around his neck.

  2. There is no law preventing a person from wearing a military uniform, you just can't wear the insignias on the uniform, if you didn't earn them.
    There are many a guy wearing the uniform to beg money from unsuspecting folks. There is one guy in Baltimore in a wheelchair with no legs, he begs in a BDU uniform, with no patches, then goes home in his customized 2010 van. he is making a killing in his camo.

  3. Remember John Kerry and all of his unearned medals???

  4. no law against wearing military clothing unless you try to profit from it. ever hear of army surplus stores? geesh.

    I was proud of that uniform when I used to wear one, as I'm sure most are. I thought I was serving my country and doing a good thing.

    Now I know better. Unless someone invades us, they are not defending our freedom or anything else. They are serving and defending corporation interests.

    You can wave the flag and get all choked up at a movie if you want to, but you've been had yet again.


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