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Friday, April 17, 2015

Obama Verifies That He Was Mentored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

Barack Obama sought the Democratic nomination for President in order to hinder America’s status as the world’s lone superpower.

Our racial past constantly drives Obama’s political ambition for revenge, and continuously threatens our freedoms today.

Now we know why beyond any reasonable doubt.

In news that shouldn’t be surprising to any American this deep into Obama’s second term, we have learned for certain that 44 is a communist sympathizer.

In 2008, it was known that Obama had a connection to Frank Marshall Davis, but the msm never pressed the President on how close that relationship truly was. I mean, liberals let his ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright slide, so why not this too?



  1. You have to wonder why his University records are sealed?

  2. MSM ignorant and clueless at best.

  3. 9:12-MSN are not ignorant and clueless. They are willing accomplices in the fundamental transformation of America that we were promised.

  4. 1) He's not a US Citizen.
    2) He's a Muslim.
    3)Real name is Barry Sorento.
    4) Never went to college.

  5. SOMEONE make him explain his SSN.
    "We, the people" are prosecuted and jailed for using someone else's Social Security number.
    Ooops. I forgot.
    That "two sets of laws" thing.
    Keep cheering.

  6. His real father was Frank Marshall Davis. Hell, they even resemble each other.


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