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Friday, April 17, 2015

Martin O'Malley heads to Hollywood with 2016 in mind

Martin O'Malley, presidential candidate to the stars?

The former Maryland governor has been toying with the idea of running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination — and will turn his efforts to the City of Angels next week.

O'Malley will be the guest of honor at a reception in Los Angeles April 23, at a pricey French restaurant just south of Hollywood, according to an invitation obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The invite-only reception is sponsored by his political action committee, O' Say Can You See PAC. His PAC did not reveal any fundraising numbers Tuesday, but rather indicated it will wait until the next Federal Elections Commission filing deadline in July.

And it may have a lot of money to show by the time July arrives.



  1. Well, he does have a 1% (almost) approval rating among Democrats! Only because 99% of Dems already know who he is.

  2. California is the ideal place for him. Hope he stays


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