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Monday, April 20, 2015

Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not a Choice

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio says he does not believe sexual orientation is a choice for the "enormous majority of people."

The Florida senator's comments came Sunday on CBS's Face the Nation, where he said that it should be up to states rather than the Supreme Court to define marriage and that he considers marriage to be between a man and a woman.

"I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people. In fact, the bottom line is, I believe that sexual preference is something people are born with," Rubio said.

He and other Republican presidential hopefuls have faced questions in recent days about their positions on same-sex marriage as the nation's top court prepares for what is expected to be a broad ruling on the constitutionality of the issue in June.

Americans support the right of same-sex couples to wed, 55 percent to 42 percent, according to a Gallup poll in May 2014, reflecting sweeping movement in public opinion over nearly two decades. Republican support has also grown, but stands at just 30 percent, according to the poll.

In an interview with Fusion published Wednesday, Rubio said he would attend a same-sex wedding.

“If it’s somebody in my life that I care for, of course I would,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice

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  1. Therein lies my rub with Marco Rubio.

    He believes in a moral issue in his heart, but will act out differently as a result of the decisions of others.

    That is not in any way demonstrating leadership.

  2. Mr. Rubio, I need someone who will not only stand up for what they balieve in as my Country's Leader, but someone who will keep those beliefs against all odds for a lifetime.

    We already have the guy who panders to everyone else's agenda in the WH. That's who we are going to vote AGAINST.

  3. He believes in a moral issue in his heart, but will act out differently as a result of the decisions of others.

    That is not in any way demonstrating leadership.

    April 20, 2015 at 8:06 AM

    That is demonstrating astounding leadership. As a public leader you must do what the people want, regardless of your personal feelings or beliefs.

  4. The abortion issue and the gay issue won't fix anything.In the grand scheme of things they appear to be an intentional diversion away from what really matters.

  5. “I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people. I believe that sexual preference is something people are born with”, Rubio said.

    Hey Rubio, the word preference is basically same as the word choice, and yes God gave us the freedom of choice/having a preference between good and bad, but God also had some real issues with sodomy which is still against the law in most states. If you want the choice/preference to bring your sexual behavior out of the bedroom and into the public eye then the law should have the choice/preference to come into your bedroom. Regardless of your choices/preferences, born with or not, strait or not, you better think long and hard how much from the inside of your home you want on the outside of your home that you want known and to whom. Especially if you’re a politician.

    Anonymous 9:49 you are correct in your observations.

  6. I think Rubio stepped in it with this comment.

    At least he said what he believes, but I don't want him representing me.

  7. Finally, a Republican who gets it, the party may evolve yet.

  8. I just can't imagine that a guy would want to put another guys junk in his mouth, if he was not mentally ill.

  9. Sadly, but true, there are young boys who were molested at a very young age and the act you speak of has be confused and combined with pleasure because they were an innocent when it happened. Some young males never break the cycle once introduced. Some go on to commit suicide. Pedophiles change lives either way.

  10. We are all born with sin for no man is without sin.Being gay is a sin and is to be repented just like other sins.

  11. Just sit back and think about it, is it the normal and natural thing to want to have sex with someone of the same sex? It is simple, yes or no.
    The answer is of course, no, so these people are very sick, and being sick, we need to quarantine them away from the rest of use and especially our young. Do you want these sickos around your children to infect them?


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