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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Can't These Two Stop Dressing Like Circus Clowns

As all of you know, yesterday Governor Hogan visited Salisbury. The reception Downtown was massive. The Mayor wore sunglasses, no suit jacket, no tie and a pair of sneakers. Mitchell, she wore a tee shirt.

Have you Liberal hacks no class whatsoever? Am I missing something here? Perhaps it's a LGBT thing. Come on people, enlighten me. Am I in fact missing something here?
Thousands of people show up to meet the Governor, (you're welcome 3rd Friday) and your Mayor and Council member dress as if they're planning for a long night out of drinking. A Little help here Jim and Laura, YOU CAN CHANGE once the Governor leaves. These are images that will last forever in history and of course Salisbury will look as if we are in fact the OUTHOUSE of the Eastern Shore.

I guess the two of you think you PUNKED the Governor. No, you PUNKED the taxpayers. As so many commmenters say, "A$$HAT". 


  1. Have to agree about the Mayor. Was stunned that someone in his position could not take the time to dress accordingly - tennis shoes? Jeans? No tie or jacket? Obviously he is out of touch with the real world. And no class!

  2. No matter what you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear!! These two have no class and it always shows.

  3. I agree. noticed the photos and how well dressed the Republicans were and the city dems looked like losers...which they are!!! No respect for taxpayers and apparently themselves. ireton makes a mockery out of Salisbury every day.

    1. The Republicans looked sharp!

  4. The Governor has over 25 million people that follow him on facebook alone. Great job representing Salisbury you two dolts!

  5. Regardless of one's political views, one should always show respect for the OFFICE even if one doesn't care for the person who currently holds it. For men that would mean a suit or a sportcoat and tie; for women, a dress or a skirt or pantsuit. The fact that Laura Mitchell showed up wearing a t shirt speaks volumes (at least Ireton is wearing a shirt with a collar).

  6. If it were O'Malley visiting... they would have been in tux and ball gown (shudder). Of course, O'malley wouldn't visit here, just catapult a giant pile of $hit in our direction... and tax us for it.

  7. This pair of deadbeats only look good to the class of Thier kind. I am thankful I am not a member of that class.

  8. Liarton's buffoonery is setting up Salisbury for a much greater danger as mayor than he or Barrie, and that's Fake ("rain tax") Day.

  9. After the next city election things will be different when Jake Day (and Perdue) are in control. There will be a uniform of the day, with no exception except for him and his pals.

  10. No need for the two to dress up , no one pays attention to them anyway. A druggie and a queer.

  11. no class. you get what you vote for...

  12. Remember - you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Dressing up those two won't help one bit.

  13. Salisbury has alot of class. To bad its all low.

  14. No class! But then again, most of us have known this for some time. You have to wonder if it was an intended snub towards our Republican Governor. Have seen better-dressed people bar-hopping! If it was too much trouble to dress accordingly, perhaps they should have stayed home. Just sayin'.

  15. Joe --

    It's good that those two showed up looking like white trash because it will help Bob Culver show Hogan why Salisbury has become the laughing stock of the Shore with them and Fake Day running things.

  16. They will both be running for school board if we get an elected board

  17. It's a wonder Ireton wasn't wearing flip-flops

  18. It's called da bury for a reason.Anything liberal democrats are in charge of goes downhill fast.

  19. Does Governor Hogan or his staff follow SBYNews? I would think so.

    So surely by now they have an idea of what kind of buffoonery we have going on in Salisbury government, and I'm guessing they would tailor their expectations accordingly.

    "A queer and a druggie" said 11:39.
    Sounds right to me.

  20. I approve of Governor Hogan but frankly he was overdressed for Third Friday which is understandable because Third Friday was not the real reason he was here. The $75.00 per plate event was the reason and a suit was appropriate for that event. I note that one of our prominent Republicans was not at either event because he was at the same different event I was attending. There was a lot of places to be Friday night.

  21. Just plain sad. Wow Ireton never lets me down. The guy solidifies my point every day.

  22. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still and oinker.

    1. Disgusted but not suprised. Mayor homo continues to show his a$$ at every opportunity.

  23. And we wonder why we are forgotten. Who wants to help us build when " our leaders" look like that?


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