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Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-15-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Mayor Ireton Sticks It To The Culver Family":

I work in the GOB. What the old regime is trying to do to Culver is disgusting. Matt Creamer, John Cannon, Sharon Morris and Wayne S. are working on a plan to get rid of him. They've probably enlisted Ireton to help. I hope Culver realizes what is going on.

We are not stupid. We see all the whispers in the hall and the constant meetings. Morris and Wayne can't stay away from Creamer's office. Cannon is nothing but a puppet for Creamer.

Remember Cannon brought Creamer back from retirement during his first election. Creamer is nothing but a double dipper who is 73 years old, drinks during work hours and racks up his comp time. THIS is what is going on taxpayers! They are not fooling us.

Employees who supported Culver are worried because we know the games Morris and Wayne play. We've watched it for the last 8 years with "Mr. get to work at 10 a.m." Pollitt. He was a lazy slob and everyone knew it so Morris and Wayne had a field day.

Culver better be watching his back or they will succeed in doing him in by giving him bad advice. They've already done it, causing him to look like a fool at council meetings. Why hasn't Culver done what he said and gotten rid of that bunch? Culture hasn't changed in the GOB. Employees expected more.


  1. Amen brother, you nailed it. I see the same old crap going on. Morris must sit and watch videos of who comes and goes from the building and then she pounces on some poor soul to grill them about who they were talking to and what they said. They are screwing with Culver. We thought he would improve things for employees. Still hate to go to work everyday with the 3rd floor people still running the show and I don't mean culver.

  2. Ain't that the darn truth. I thought we were finished with Creamer when he got fired, oops retired years ago and then that idiot Cannon hired his butt back.

  3. Apparently Creamer isn't the only one that drinks on the job. Has anyone ever ridden up the elevator with John Hall on their way to a County Council meeting? His breath doesn't smell like mouth wash.

  4. I agree. We see the sneaking around the halls and meetings going on all the time. They stop talking when you walk by - same sh#t different executive. We thought new council members and a new executive would get rid of the likes of Cremer and the Pollitt losers. the council has turned out to be completely lame. We were excited for change but not feeling hopeful now.

  5. I keep noticing Creamer's door closed and Wayne and Sharon are no where to be found. Now I know where they are.

  6. Bob, are you reading this? Time to drop another hammer.

  7. When is Bob going to let fresh air into the 3rd floor?

  8. I really hope Mr Culver does away with the comp time for the so called elite group that does not have to punch a timeclock. This getover has been a staple for the county elite for decades. Case in point. Supervisor arrives late. Blue collars waiting for assigned work .Finally workers get assignments.End of day comes supervisor stays after regular hours to prepare for next day on comp time and the cycle continues weekly,monthly and annualy adding up big big comp time for something that could have been addressed on regular time.This has been the agenda for decades in the county.After this budget process hopefully he will put his teeth into each department and identify and dispose of unneeded supervisors and department heads which has been overlooked for years

  9. Cannon is a conniver. I didn't know he was the one who brought back Creamer. He only does things that benefit him, so what role is Creamer playing in Cannon's life. Making sure the slum lord gets all the good deals and legislation?

  10. ugh. Reading this makes he sick. I thought things were going to change for the better. It is disturbing that Pollitt holdovers still have positions of power. I voted to sweep all of them out. I expected Culver to do that. WTF.

  11. What about a sobriety check point at the back door of the GOB?

  12. Speaking of the dog show at the civic center Let them upstairs to roam.They cannot do any worse than whats running the place now.

  13. 7:55 you are right. something stinks of 3rd floor.

  14. Hall ALWAYS smells like a drunk. Not professional at all.

  15. Bob need to clean out every department in the building starting in the basement and working his way up. He has absolutely no loyalty and the jobs many of them do are only marginal at best. He should be aware that he has no friends there, only those who seek to undermine him.

  16. Bob please just go ahead and do what needs to be done, you'll be so much better off. Get rid of those people who are smiling at you then stabbing you in the back.

  17. Oh yes, Creamer drinks on the job. He takes long lunch hours and comes by under the influence.

  18. I voted for Bob Culver because I believe he has good judgement. I still believe that. This is still a transition period. He can't fire everyone at one time. The casual observer will think he is a real nut. Give him some time, he will figure it out.
    The job Matt Creamer has does not require any special tallent. I see know reason for him to have that job. The people have spoken, obviously the county council did not get the message....But what do you expect, you were all virtually unopposed.....What a mistake John Cannon is....The king of the slum lords.....borne with a silver spoon.
    No Character, No Brains , No Class

  19. Fire Wayne S. and transfer Morris out of your office, Mr. culver. Wayne needs to go home. We don't need to pay him retirement. On the other hand, Morris has been around long enough but she has to be out of the control of Creamer.

  20. Send Morris to the library until she can retire.

  21. John Cannon is the biggest mistake since the last time he was on the council. He is nothing but and "snake in the grass" and a "back stabber". Mr. Culver it is time for you to "step up to the plate" again and do the deed to those from Pollit's old staff. So alcohol is a problem in the GOB, that should NOT be tolerated and they who are guilty must pay the penalty. Just remember if a employee who is lower on the food chain would be fired on the spot and I think that might be a County policy like it is with the State of Maryland, you drink and you are automatically dismissed.

  22. Give Morris an early retirement. Heck Shea, thompson, Peterson and others got one a few years back. Having to work with Cremers drunken butt should give her reason for early retirement.

  23. Sharon Morris needs to go home so just give her retirement and send her packing.

  24. Check out SOBO's around lunchtime and you will find Cramer sucking down free drinks.

  25. Give them ALL a time clock to punch. overtime pay will be remarkably reduced!


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